
Psychic abilities...?

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I just have this feeling, that I have them. I mean, everyone has psychic abilities, deep inside; that's what I believe. But ever since I was little, I just had the feeling... I can predict something will happen in the near future, specifically. Sometimes, I'm capable of reading peoples' minds. I'm unnaturally good at the game "Guess the Number Between 1-100"; once, I was only 1 off. I've had dreams about little, insignificant things that had about 1/1,000 chance of happening, yet, they came true.

Does anyone know a good, FREE website where I can learn about and develop my psychic abilities?

Help is much appreciated, thank you so much! =]





  2. I have been doing those things all of my life . I do not consider them psychic. The human mind is extraordinary and if you pay attention to the world around you, you will find that things like you talked about come very easily.

  3. What you describe is an ability known as claircognizance - a certain "knowing" about a situation without having any factual proof. It is a heightened form of intuition and is very much a psychic ability. I feel bad for people who continue to take the attitude that psychic abilities have never been proven because it is quite obvious they've got major blinders on and have done little or no objective research...and I don't view them as credible sources.

    You know within yourself that you have abilities, period. Please don't let others try to dissuade you from pursuing is an essential part of you and a major reason you came here, in this lifetime. It is part of your purpose. The dream angle is another form of this ability and these are referred to as "prophetic dreams". When one is awaking (no pun intended) to their true potential, as you are, our abilities are not yet developed. Because we all dream, this is a conduit that the spirit realm uses with relative ease to get messages to us. You already have experienced receiving messages and information through dreams which gives you an edge over many people, as far as learning about - and how to use effectively - that source.

    I've included a few links that have proven helpful to me. One item you may want to consider adding to your training is to begin working on dream programming. Before you lay down at night, make a request to your guides or Creator - whatever you feel comfortable with - to be given the solution or answer to a problem you're encountering. Ask that they show you in your dream. I use this method quite often for answers, even to mundane activities like assistance with my writing, if I'm feeling stuck at a particular point. The key is to make note of what you can remember, as well as any other hunches you wake up could be caling up an old friend, browsing a bookstore, feeling an urge to watch TV at a particular time etc. From my own experience, these are very important aspects of the communication process with the realm of spirit. We don't always get a clear cut answer...sometimes our guides need to position us so we are in a place to obtain the information, or at least a fragment of it.

    Aside from the sources listed below, you may want to expand your understanding of other forms of divination. For readings, I use oracle cards, for example, and often confirm the messages - if I'm uncertain - by using the free service at The point I wanted to make was to take the time and explore aspects of metaphysics, spirituality and psychic abilities and gifts, if you feel an interest within you. If something strikes a chord inside you, it's really important that you follow up on that hunch at this time.

    The first link below will provide a brief description of the varied gifts, as well as exercises to help develop them. The second is a short article on prophetic dreaming that you may find of interest. A quick Google search will turn up numerous other articles about this.

    One other aspect that you may need to examine at some point is the fact that you may also be a medium (very likely actually) and I've included a link to assist with some understanding of this calling. It took me almost 40 years to discover that about myself...part of the reason it took so long was due to a very strict religious upbringing. My main gift is clairvoyance, with clairsentience second. One thing you'll quickly realize is that many times, we have multiple psychic abilities that complement each other, if one can learn how to develop them properly.

    You are claircognizant, without any doubt, and very likely a medium. The only other thing I can suggest, that helped me out tremendously, was to begin requesting to the universe/creator/guides/angels to bring along the people and resources to assist in learning how to use my abilties properly and effectively. I would also highly suggest that you begin with a quick acknowledgement of your doctor teacher guide, perhaps before you sleep. These guides pave the way and set up situations for us to learn lessons and are essential in our growth process. You may want to request to meet in the "dreamtime" so you know what they look like and become familiar with their distinctive energy, which is a crucial component of identification when you begin working wioth them.

    I really apologize for the length of this answer. You know within yourself that few, if any, of the people you regularly associate with do not have your abilities. Practice using your intuition in non-threatening situations and keep track of the insights, images, symbols or thoughts that spring into your mind. Often an idea will be implanted in the form of a symbol by our guides and it is up to us to determine its meaning. To understand this a bit more, there's another exercise that may be helpful to you. Some time at night - or any time really - request that you be shown who will be the first to call you on the phone the next day or the first person you'll speak to. A symbol or image will come immediately to mind and it's essential that you make note of it. Compare to how events unfolded and determine why a particular symbol or image was shown to're trying to determine the association of a symbol with a specific person and it will likely be something a bit unusual.

    You chosen a challenging but extremely rewarding direction in your personal development. Your abilities won't be going away any time soon and I think you are well aware of that fact. I truly hope this has given you a bit of encouragement and direction.You are beginning an incredible journey of discovery, one that you agreed to take. Be gentle with yourself.

    The last link is to my blog called "Incursions Into Otherworld" and highlights much of the learning and insights I've gained by pursuing the path of the medium over the last several years. I've included it only to show you that what I've written here is based on personal experience.

    I wish you a good journey and don't hesitate to contact me.


  4. I don't think anyone can help you develop your abilities except you.  It's fairly simple to make up test for yourself and practice them.

    Such as 1-100 game using cards.

    But crystal links is always a good site for information.

  5. I don't know any sites but I can tell you that the mind is very trainable with exercise.  It is your journey, nobody will have the tendency to believe you. It may be rough.  

  6. i dunno but most online sites are scams so.. good luck haha  

  7. Contact the Association for Research and Enlightenment.  They may be able to direct you.  If you want quality advice you will have to pay for it though.

  8. I've done that many times! Ask someone a number between 1 and 100 and I guessed them right. Many of the sites are scams, however you do not need a website. Meditation is key in developing psychic abilities. Also, Reiki is a great practice. Begin meditating on a regular basis. Also, become more aware of what is around you. Listen closely to things. Hope this helps!

  9. Go to the following link, reach out to RC. RC will help you understand & even develop most abilities. You will find she is honest, open & will never ridicule you in any way.

  10. Hello Lana

    You can join our forum if you wish, see profile. It is free & you can ask what you want as you travel along your development road.

    Not free are the courses that I do, but they are not compulsory within forum.

    Lots of wonderful people there who can help you if you need it.


  11. Your right, everybody has them, but some are more naturally inclined to develop them. Just the way some people are just good at Math or computers.

    Try searching msn groups or yahoo groups for spiritual development groups. What you want is a group of people just like you, all trying to develop. You want to be careful when you develop. It's not always a bed of roses, things can get hairy (and scary), and you'll begin to attract things you need to know how to protect yourself from. So I wouldn't advise you to do it alone.

    peace and love to you

  12. With all due respect, Leviticus, everyone has at least one ability.  However, from birth we are taught to ignore or repress them.  That's where  disbelief comes in.  I am not a freak, by any means, but I do have abilities and have had several friends and family be skeptical (including my mother when I was young).  But after they see me "perform" (that's a terrible word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment) they are believers.

    Others are right - there is no good "free" website out there.  Meditation and getting advice from proven sources, not crackpots, is the best way to go.  Prayer helps, too!  :)
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