
Psychic am i Indigo person? if so why? does it invlove with a special power?

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Psychic am i Indigo person? if so why? does it invlove with a special power?




  1. I am not impressed by the hype over "indigo" or "crystal" children. Children are now aware of a broader scope of the world than they were 20, 30, 40 years ago mostly because technology and instant information and communication have put so much more in a child's path than they might have encountered previously. There is no need to be in awe of the child or label them with some New Age moniker. Intelligent children have always existed. Psychic abilities (not really a prerequisite for being called indigo) are not just suddenly appearing, they've always been here, too, but are now more accepted and talked about. If it makes you happy to think you're "indigo", that you are somehow different and special, go ahead, but there's really nothing special, no powers. You're just an inquisitive person that wants to be noticed. I tend to think it's better to be noticed for your true qualities and not some special label.

  2. I believe you're refering to being an "indigo child."  According to psychics and many other groups, during the late 1970's till the early 1990's there were a group of people born being called the "indigo children."   These people were born to bring about more knowledge to the world about spiritual matters and to pave the way for the "crystal children" that have begun to surface between the mid 1990's to current day.  There are some reported indigo children having been born in the 1960's to help bring the larger group into the world later on.  

    Indigo children tend to be very empathic. They can sense emotions of others around them easily taking on other people's emotions. They  tend to "just know" certain spiritual information or information in certain areas of their expertise. They tend to have clairaudience and clairsentient capabilities including some minor telepathic ability.  Animals are more likely to be drawn to these people, as they seem to "understand" one another.  Indigo children also tend to never stick to one field of choice for a career. They like to enjoy the different options out there and will be prone to change jobs at least every 2 years unless they are able to climb the latter and be given new things to do in their jobs.  They love to travel, and will be drawn to places of spiritual power.  

    They are more sensitive to energy of any kind, getting headaches and physical symptoms if exposed prolonged periods of time.  Electrical boxes that arn't properly grounded or exposed wires may be the cause.

    Because they are emotionally responsive, they tend to hold in their anger and emotions of their own while taking on those of other people. They can be often seen as emotional chameleons.  When in diagreements or fights, they will hold grudges.  A lot of this has to do with confusion of what emotions are actually theirs and what emotions they are taking on from others around them.  They are easily moved to tears when being sympathetic for negative situations of others.

    Also, indigo children tend to be bringers of knowledge and truth. They see things as they are and not with the distorted personal views that many people see situations. If an indigo child sees a situation, they can describe it as if it had been recorded with a camera and been replayed back.  They have excellent memories, and can weed out the liers from the honest.

    Crystal children are the newer groups that are coming to rise. They tend to be VERY psychic.  Often they are diagnosed as being autistic as these children don't tend to speak verbally until 4 or 5 years of age but speak telepathically to those around them without those knowing it.  They are withdrawn and quiet, often being diagnosed as depressive because they experience the feelings of not belonging on this plane and wish to "go home" in their teenage years.  If they should reach adult hood, they become great leaders and spiritual advisors. Not much more is known yet of this group as they are still fairly new.

  3. No, it doesn't involve any special power. No, you're not indigo, you're just a person who likes to question things.

  4. hay I'm indigo. you can be psychic and indigo it is a trait    

    go to    you can tacke a test

                                                     peace  love and light

  5. Being psychic has nothing to do with being an Indigo. Indigo refers to the color of the aura. Every person supposedly has an energy aura surrounding them, and they vary in color. That's all being an Indigo means, though there are some disputes on that.

    As you can see, there is no mention of being psychic in that. There is no special power. I'm not entirely sure I answered your question right because it was worded kind of...confusingly.

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