
Psychic do u see me having problems producing babies when i want to have kids?and my kids be healthy?

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Psychic do u see me having problems producing babies when i want to have kids?and my kids be healthy?




  1. Don't worry... trust in yourself and God,  have faith that your children will live long, healthy lives.  

    Love, faith, and trust.

  2. Why are you  worried, listen Lu Lu sees your mind. there is no reason to be worried young grasshopper. :p

    ok ok jk im no psycic but its ok, dont worry your baby will be special and yours even if it has failed in the past and might in the future, wen you do have a baby count it a blessing, even if the baby doesnt turn out as you planned.

  3. I don`t think so ...

    Yes your kids will be health if you take care yourself :)

    Have a bless day ...

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