
Psychic do u see me living a long life or a short one? if so why? if it's long will it be a curse?

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Psychic do u see me living a long life or a short one? if so why? if it's long will it be a curse?




  1. A classic question (is the first)...and to answer it completely would

    require an Interp of the Nativity by one experienced in a particular

    facet of Hindu Astrology.

    John Worsdale (lived about the time of William Lilly) had a particular

    knack for predicting the lifespan of his clients.  He published a book

    of 30 delineations that logged the prediction and deaths.  But near

    the back he made mention of his methodology.

    I am unaware of anyone that could predict a Curse being cast upon

    you (with astrology)...but human nature being what it is...I would

    suspect that MIGHT come from an intense quarrel with someone

    skilled in the Arts Magic.

  2. You will die between 50-65, that falls under medium-ish

    It will be from high cholesterol (I know that someone close to you has died from this), but don't worry, everything in your life will be resolved by then. I feel no negative energy, and your spiritual radious is very low, so it seems that no one will ever try to curse you...

  3. Your life will be long, but I see alot of rain, could be that you'll feel repressed. Try to combat this by doing whatever you want now, take chances, not the safe route. Usually when I see people with rain it means they have alot of regret but not always.

  4. long life you will have a big house and a nice car

    you will die when its necessary. it will be a little hard but not cursed.

    thanks for asking.  

  5. To have a true psychic reading I would need a picture and an object that you have touched. Only then can someone do a psychic reading on you.  

  6. Psychics are fake. You make your own destiny and control your own fate.

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