
Psychic do u think i will be a good wife and a good mother to my kids in my future? and will they love me?

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Psychic do u think i will be a good wife and a good mother to my kids in my future? and will they love me?




  1. No and no. Or yes and're choice!

  2. dont ask psychics to give you the answers, things like this are for you to find out.

  3. you dont need a Psychic to tell you that you will be a very good mother && that your kids will love you.


  4. If your asking this question then you must want kids and if you want kids you know you will ,because I don't see how anyone couldn't love kids. children love everyone that's the best thing about children because they love unconditionally. but you also have to show them you love them.

  5. Yes u can be but don`t show your love more then you can give your husband.

    about good mother .

    if you honest then no need to worry about it,u can be a good mother.

    Of course they will love you if you love them too :)

  6. may be you can

  7. Why not try to be one yourself, insted of asking a random person on the interet to answer a question that will hardly fall into the coloms of yes and no?

    Here is what you need to do, bare minimum:

    Porvide shelter, food, clothing, and emotional stability and understanding. Not only tolerate your child, and accept their creativity and differentness, even try to join them with their activities and become close with them form bonds. Resect their boundries. ncourage comunication, reading, and family togetherness. Let them understand that you care for them, love them, respect them, and will not judge them but also look out for their best interest, catch them when they fall, and remember that one day they must fly. Do not smother, give them space, understand that teenagers will be moody and horrible, sit with them through the bad. Do not overreact over little things, set boundaries and rules at an early age. It is almost impossible to set rules and ground a teenager if no rules were made at childhood, they will walk all over you and disrespect you. Nod your head when the speak, and give them your time, even if your exhausted and can't listen anymore, at least pretend to care. Smile. If they fall show them that its not the end of the world. If they mess up and look uncool join them and show them how to pick themselves out of the ashes. Never.... ever..... abuse them psychologically, physically, sexually, and any other way. Don't buy them every toy on the markey, encurage them to create, and you can hand make them toys. It will stay sentimental to them forever. Avoid the mainstream and having the television and internet raise them. Your their mother, your their G-d, your their eyes to the world, it's fight or flight, you are their mother hawk, you must fight for them,  even when it get so incredibly hard, when you cannot take it anymore, it was your decision to create and keep the child, at least give them a chance. And make them finish high school (homeschooling is fine if bullying becomes too pressuring of a matter), just make them finish.

  8. I'm a indigo kid I'm 14 if you have kids they will be very special trust me if you think you will be a good mom and wife then you will be and i know you will be so go for it be the best wife and mom you can be you will do grate    good luck  :)

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