
Psychic do u think someone that i know will use me for s*x and get me pregnant on purpose.just for his?

by  |  earlier

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pleasure? just curious/ if so what is his letter of his name?




  1. With out question yes.. And it does not say a lot about how you feel about yourself at this moment in your life.... And PK, Rp, Sticks out at this moment..... But the fact that you would allow yourself to be use up like that say that you are looking forward to a dimly lighted future..............

  2. This must be a rhetorical question.

    The "customary and usual" effects of human biology in healthy

    adults includes propagation.  

    However, the "relative strength" of the hormones controlling

    these functions tends to vary from individual to individual in

    any given population.  

    If one may surmise that there is a Concern on your end about

    romance and its might be better advised

    to make a habit of carrying a contraceptive in your purse

    rather than try to provoke someone to strain themselves and

    their capabilities.  

    For the future is always seen "through a glass darkly".

  3. I need your cooperaton for this reading.  I need you to have a dark room and a hand mirror.

    Hold the mirror facing away from you and concentrate on your question.

    A cloudy image is forming and I am seeing the letter of the name you requested.

    Keep the mirror in one hand and place your other hand on the light switch.

    In one motion, turn the mirror quickly to your eyes and turn on the light switch.  In that moment you will get a glimpse of the answer to your question.

    Did you see the image?

    Well, if not, the letter indicating the responsible party is: Y.

    Turn the lights out again and thing about it...  Ask yourself....






    If you still can't determine the answer, there are two additional letters that I am seeing.  They may assist you in answering who will be responsible.

    They are:  O and U.

  4. Mmm, When I closed my eyes and listened for the answer to that question, I got a no. However, I get a strong feeling that someone may TRY. But, it won't actually happen. Trust me.

  5. Someone you know will only get you pregnant if you let them. You can prevent that. No one can "use" you for s*x without you agreeing, and if you become pregnant, where was your precaution? Respect yourself!

  6. Santhia, just stop! This is a horribly stupid question. You are either asking if someone you know will rape you, or you are admitting that you yourself will not choose to use birth control or condoms for safe s*x. THAT is within YOUR control. Use your head, girl!

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