
Psychic good or bad?

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If you one day woke to find you have talents of knowing your future would you say thats good or bad?




  1. no one knows what's going to happen to anybody or anything in the future but God...

  2. Good, I do have this talent and work at a metaphysical book store as a psychic reader.  I can't see my own future though, darn it!  Blessed be.

  3. Hello

    As long as you were willing to dedicate to developing it & to take responsibility - Good.


  4. Most psychics are able to read your energies and gain information only to the extent of what is already in your subconscious mind.  Obviously, past events are memories in your subconscious mind, as are current life situations.  So really, "foretelling the future" is a very very rare psychic abilitiy.  And our futures are not set in stone - they can be changed by our making different choices.  

    But, I have no desire to "see" events from my future.  If I saw that my future is not what I'd like it to be, I may fall into being depressed and thinking that I'm going to end up unhappy no matter what I do and stop trying.  But what if I saw that things were really great for me in the future, I could still fall into the trap of being lazy and not doing the work I am meant to do to get to that point, also thinking that it's going to happen no matter what I do.

    Or I could just end up spending my whole life stressing over every little choice and decision I make and wondering if it's right or wrong as far as how it will affect my future.  No thanks, that's no way to live.

  5. Firstly, who makes the rule that something is either good or bad?!

    I would say that you are very blessed to be connected well enough that you are able to 'see' or know your future! Congrats to you!! That is a very special, sacred and honored thing you have. You should be proud of yourself for your ability, and thankful that you are able to do so.

    Good Luck to you... lots of great things are coming!

  6. Only if it came with the ability to set things on fire with my mind.  Telekinesis would also be necessary.

  7. ITS BAD! you opening door to satin and evil spirits

  8. you think you are a psychic?

  9. well whenever you hear someone talk about any kind of psychosis or any "powers" they may have, they always say that its a blessing and a curse. and it really is. it is a good thing, but just like with anything else you have to take the good with the bad. :D  lets say you woke up oneday and had a vision someone near to you was going to get hurt or even die, you know you would do anything in your power to keep them safe, however you could be unknowingly setting them up for the vision you had in your efforts of trying to save them, you actually doomed them. now the next time you have a vison should you leave it alone or take action? the end result could be good or bad :) .....blessing and a curse.

  10. BAd... for everyone...

  11. Good and bad

    You could make a killing on the stock market.


    It would be tough to give you a surprise party.

  12. Good because you can see certain things, but..

    BAD because you might know when you were going to die. IN the 1990's a study was taling where they asked like 4 million people whether or not they would want to know the day they were going to die. 98% said no.

  13. yes and work it to the fullest..

  14. Its bad  

  15. good  

  16. I'd say it's pretty cool actually. It would be awesome to know the future!

  17. You cannot predict the future and nobody else can too. You do have control over a lot of it, in terms of happiness, eating right and making good moves with your life. Other than that, it's all out of our hands.

  18. neither it would be weird

  19. Good. Unless the future was bad. =[
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