
Psychic help please?

by  |  earlier

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Everything that can go wrong in my life does and I don't get it. It's like people seriously try to get at me and try and make my life h**l. My parents died when I was a child and I don't have much family at all it just seems nothing at all ever goes my way. Like everyone around me good things happen to but not for me.

I mean seriously is it possible to have all kinds of bad things right after another happen all the time in your life. I'm a good person so I don't get it. Is my life ever going to change for the better? IT's like people get their rocks off by making my life h**l and I have some aunts who are so jelouse of me they can't stand me they told me this.




  1. Well I'm not a psychic but I understand how u feel. Try this website it gives u past, present and future. All u need is the exact time birth...

    I hope I helped a little

  2. I think you ought to think more positively. Doesn't matter if things in your past, though I'm sorry to hear, turned out the way they did. You're dwelling, and I think you're attracting negativity in your life. Change your perspective to things that make you happy, and it should come.

  3. Here's the help: don't take your problems to psychics.  Your life is your responsibility.  Deal with it.

  4. I think you answered your own question.  The reason everything seems to go wrong in your life is because you are surrounded by people who are jealous of you.  Until you become self-reliant, you will be under the influences of their jealousy and it will seem like everything is going wrong in your life.

    Things will get better as you get older.

  5. Your life will get better as soon as you start focusing on what is good about it, or what is great about it that you hadn't noticed?

    There is nothing you can do to chance the past. Life is not out to get you. many people go through difficult time, some more than others.

    Try not to focus on what others are doing, what they did, etc. Focus on you and what you want to achieve right now.

    What do you want the rest of your life to be about?
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