
Psychic in what age will i be successful, married and have a good life? when will my life change? or will?

by Guest63413  |  earlier

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it stay the same? nov 6 1989 at 12:00 in the moring




  1. You will have many partners. When you reach the age of 32 you will meet a man named Will. Will is going to the man you marry and have two children with...

  2. The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Eight of Poetry (Swiftness): "Time is the mercy of Eternity: / without Time's swiftness Which is the swiftest of all things: / all were eternal torment". Vigorous and imaginative assertion is strongly indicated. Experiencing the relativity of time. The speeding-up of events or gathering of energy. Falling in love, or being swept off your feet. Everything is up in the air or in process. Flux. Rapid communications across time and space. The Internet. Look for coincidences and serendipity at work. In the creative process: Transcend all illusions of time and space by using your imagination, which can take you anywhere at any time.

  3. Bull, anyone that says they can do a reading over the Net is a liar.  I am a psychic and I can't,  it doesn't work that way.  You must be in close contact with a psychic so they can pick up on your energy.

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