
Psychic is it true that i will be going to jail? if so why? many psychic are saying yes, but i don;t know?

by  |  earlier

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why and what i did? i don't to go, i want to get an education and be successful, so do think is true?




  1. Have you done anything wrong? If not then you wouldn't need to ask a psychic this question. You would know whether or not you were going to jail if you did something wrong. You don't need any psychic telling you that. These so called psychics on yahoo answers are not real and will tell you anything. You just said you don't know what you did so why in the world would you even believe them if you didn't do anything wrong? Common sense goes a long way.

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....

    They're saying it because you'll  believe anything that anyone who claims to be psychic tells you. Let me guess, after that they said that you would have to give them $200 to find out how to prevent...rofl

  3. FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U GO TO JAIL $ FRAUD

  4. You ask a lawyer about going to jail and if you broke a law, not a psychic.

  5. Yes..for askin all this nonsense and torturin us to death..lolz

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