
Psychic needed for lost dvd?

by  |  earlier

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i saw that someone had tried this and want to try it as well. i have been searching for a dvd i made for a project with two other girls. it was an video project in which we did origami and used chopsticks music. i really need to find it and have checked every dvd i have in my room. i believe i had it in it's own clear case with no label on it. i would appreciate any helpful comments. ^_^




  1. sarah has it. nah, ask your own guides. every time i ask my guides this question.. where is..... a thought pops itnot my head to look in a certain location and its there. also someone plays with me.... they remove dvds from cases, and they are returned 10 mintues later..... so ask, and you shall recieve.

    yeah actually guys, i ignored it, thought i was trippin, but i saw it under a wooden coffee table i think... it was definitley wood though. look for all the wood!

  2. Walk to your dvd player.

    Hit open.

    Retrieve lost dvd.

  3. Yes..people have tried this on here..but I don't think anything was ever found. We're all just "guessing". But, it can't hurt to get other people's thoughts and ideas and suggestions about where it MIGHT be.  This is what I thought of...Are you sure you didn't put it in a dvd case that you returned to the rental store? Or, it could be stuck in a case underneath another one. Take out all your dvd's and see if one case has 2 dvd's in it. Of course, a friend might have "borrowed" it. Ask them and see if they can look you in the eye when they answer or if they shift around on their feet or shrug their shoulders a lot  or look away. I've heard these are signs to help you tell if someone isn't telling the truth. Of course, it's not you shouldn't accuse them. Could you have possibly stuck in inside a book you were reading? I'm sure you've checked the dvd player..but do you have more than one? Do you have a new one now and maybe it could be in the old one? OK>..that's all I can think of right now. Maybe others will have some more ideas.

    Edit. Did you check your computer dvd player (if you have one)? How about your cd players and cases?


  4. This may be a shot in the dark, but here it there a place where you may have stored some boxes and misc. things? I think it may be in one of those boxes or under it. It would be a cardboard box  and it may smell musty. Try up on  a shelf, back in a corner that is dark ....I don't  think there is a lid on the box. Good Luck!

  5. The psychic will help but you must pay with karma, eventually something equally as important will be lost. FOREVER KITTEN.

  6. have you checked behind your desk? like maybe it slid off behind the desk? Have you checked around the house, with the other DVD's? checked the counter everything collects on (in our house, we have a tendency to set things on the kitchen island counter, things collect there).

    Just some thoughts. But when I first read this, I saw behind a desk, on the floor.

  7. "Psychics" will do nothing more than offer guesses as to where you might have left it, which is exactly what non-psychics will do.

    If you think it's in your room and you've checked every DVD in your room without result, then where else could you look?  As a last resort you could borrow one of your partner's copies to burn.

  8. You set it on the entertainment center, but it got knocked behind it. You should find it there.

  9. i'm not psychic but i believe i have skill intuitive skill with tarot cards....

    i really hope you aren't doing this as a "test" to see if the people who claim they have abilities are real lol

    the card for you tells me your dvd is in a wooden cabinet, or else something near wood that stores, guards, or else protects your belongings. i'm going to say it's in a drawer.

    i pulled a second card and the second one reaffirms the first one's suggestion of it being in a place where you guard or keep things, and also there might be money or a check near your lost dvd....

    lol i really hope i helped.... and please tell us when you find it where you found it and if any of us were right!!!

  10. i'm not a psychic but i can guess...check the loungeroom? :P

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