
Psychic or paranoia, who knows?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to just be really paranoid of somehting than your mind will just make you dream it? Well the other day me and my friend got pulled over by a cop. He is just a friend, but i know he likes me. Well the cop told me to step out of the car because I'm on probation, so he took me to the back of the car and talked to me for a bit. Then we just started talking. He gave me his card and number and let me go, and my friend looked kinda of mad cuz i was talking alot. Anyways the next day, i just told my buddy that i threw the number away because i didn't want to hurt him. I kept it, and i called him and we went out on a date. My friend called me two days later and he told me, i had a weird dream about you, that you called that cop up. I couldn't believe it. This is the second time he has done this dream thing where he finds out through it even tho i tell him i didn't. I know he's not spying on me, he lives in another city. Is he just saying it so i will just tell him? The way he says it is like he's knows. Creepy. I know i should tell him, but i don't want to hurt him




  1. Ok.  It is possible that he is guessing.  Things that play on our minds during the day, do in fact depending on the situation affect our dreams.  You said it's not the first time that, that has happened?

    If you would like, you can contact me telling me of the first instance that, that has happened with your friend.

    I feel I can provide you with some help.  

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