
Psychic readers vs. Astrologers readers - Which has proved as accurate revelations to queries you asked?

by Guest63976  |  earlier

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Have you had good experience with either one or both?


Do you find the combinations of these skills (Psychic, Clarivoyant, Astrologer etc.) to prove of greater truth in regards to revelations to your queries or you find it does not make much differences as each to their own has their great revelations?




  1. a good thought.combination is always proved better.there is definitely much difference.

  2. Well a combination of both would be great of course..

    I have to confess that I have had only had one astrological reading by a supposedly "famous" astroger and he was 60/40.

    I would put my faith into psychics more.  I was more interesting in them than astrology and saw quite a few...but not anymore.

    I think maybe a very tiny percentage are real psychics. I only found 2 or 3 who were absolutely amazing..They were not fishing or anything but I found out later that they were true.

    I once saw one (never phoned one by the way) in Paranormal Study Society ( or stg like that) in London , UK. I got very upset at the time because all she told me sounded wayyyyyy too unrealistic and too good to be true ( was really in a dump at the time). I got really annoyed and refused to give a donation. Which I regretted later on because all she told actually happened without me SEEKING for it.

    Please look it up if you are interested. They are very serious people and test potential psychics extensively beforehand. They do not want frauds.

    The best psychics are in the UK I heard......Apparently the damp temperature helps with vibrations or something.

    I saw 2 in Canada out of curiosity.......Total sharks and totally that is why I say no more..

  3. NO statistically valid study has ever shown ANY connection, relation or correlation that would give ANY support to ANY part of astrology. There is no scientific question, there is no scientific controversy, concerning astrology -- it definitely does NOT work.

  4. I think astrology is a load of c** can some rock in the sky influence our personality??

    And I think most psychics are just preying on people who are willing to put faith in them, they charge gross amounts of money and could tell u anything they want....sorry but dont think either really works.

  5. No difference between the two, they are all using Cold Reading Scripts.

  6. Follow Arthur Weasley's advice: Never take advice given by something that you can't tell where it keeps its brain.

    Where does the advice these people provide come from?

    OK, so they tell you where.  How do you know they are not being lied to?

    Cue 'shark approaching' music.....

  7. Neither, in my opinion they are both general, things that happen to people in day to day life.!!!

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