
Psychic sensitivity help??

by Guest64495  |  earlier

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Is there any way to become more sensitive to the paranormal, or psychic energy? Serious answers only please!




  1. Here is a test for you to take.

    This is from the same site that may help you,

    No matter how you slice and dice it, to develop your psychic abilities means "tuning into things more subtle". In a world where so much of what we are about is external, this is a highly internal process which goes against mainstream existence, especially in Western cultures, and to develop this requires a great deal of discipline. Unless you are naturally gifted, there is nothing loud, clear and obvious about this process. It comes, especially at first, as a whisper, a fleeting image, a feeling or hunch or some such subtle perception.

    Here are the top things you can do to increase your subtle senses, or psychic ability.

    1. Focus on which area you'd like to be good at. Do you want to be a remote viewer? Work with objects, people, animals or tools like cards? Go with what attracts you.

    2. Meditate. This does several things. One, it quiets the mind so you can hear incoming messages. There is no worse static than a busy chatting mind! Ịt's much harder to hear or see things in your mind's eye when you've got your own program running. Turn it off for now. Second, meditation actually changes your energy which makes you more receptive to the very thing that makes a person psychic.

    3. Develop personal attributes of a higher nature. To become more sensitive means that you have to change your own frequencies. Being negative and unhappy won't make you a receptive person. If you observe the top psychics, they are generally soft-spoken loving people. You won't find really negative people with this ability and if you do, it's very much the fluke, not the norm (more like something out of a Stephen King novel). So think positive thoughts!

    4. Depending on how esoteric you wish to be, learn how to develop your chakras. This is a very in-depth area which is why I've provided a separate page as there is a great deal of information on this subject should you wish to develop this area of your life.

  2. ...and never forget being part of the whole Planet aura.

  3. I am quite serious when I say there has never been a conclusive demonstration of psychic ability (I don't know what "psychic energy" is) in a controlled environment.

    One--and the most probable--explanation isn't that you don't know how to use your psychic ability, but that such abilities don't exist.  If you base your opinion of psychic abilities on the data at hand you really can't draw any other conclusion.

    However, if you're determined to see results, then you will need to alter what it is you're looking for.  To increase your apparent psychic potency you will either need to increase the ability or decrease the expectation.  Since you can't increase something which doesn't appear to exist, you could just expect less in the way of your psychic results.

  4. I believe there is ways to increase sensitivity. The first thing is to eat a well balanced unprocessed diet. The second thing that I believe helps is meditation.----and I don't mean 10 minutes a day. It can take alot of discipline to do extensive meditation. You'll need to find a type that works well for you.


  5. Seriously, it's my opinion that believers do this by becoming a little less critical and little more willing to interpret any random coincidence or artifact as evidence of their increased abilities. To date there still isn't compelling evidence for psychic abilities, and I say this full informed of the few irreproducible studies that have been done and the dubious results that were obtained.

  6. Meditation is key to developing your abilities.  Work with visualizing your own energy as a large ball of white light as well.  Begin with at the top of your head and slowly work it down through your body, splitting at your heart chakra and moving down through your limbs.  

    When you are in a room alone, close your eyes and focus on what that energy feels like.  What changes do you notice when someone enters the room.  

    Do as much research as you can into developing your skills, and always take your intuition to heart.

    Good Luck on your journey!

  7. It is of critical importance to try your very best to be objective. This means adding all possibilities other than the ones you want to be real, into your thinking. This is the Scientific Method and it remains powerful and above all useful for it's use of this self-critical principal.

  8. Despite what 'TR' says there are ways to increase psychic ability. Psychic ability is a reality.

    Some good advice has been given: meditate. Cleanse and activate the chakras, lead a positive and loving live. Find someone to practice with: ie: sensing auras and energy. reading tarot cards, working with crystals.

    Join a class in psychic development.

    Hypnosis and self hypnosis: reaching a trance state and contact your guides or beings wiling to work with you. Doing art  therapy work and writing  to make a beter connectionwith your subconscious.

    Write with the 'alternative' hand as a way to contact the unconscious.

         Books by: Lobsang Rampa,  Eileen Garrat and Jane Roberts, Shati Gwain. Carl Jung,  would help. Study as many related books as you can.

    Practice, practice, practice.

    Look for 'sychronity' events in your life.

    Find a healing modality to study that involves intuition: massage, Reiki, Touch for Health.

    have faith in yourself.

    hope this helps

  9. Do you meditate? If not I would reccommend starting with a meditation practice...mindfulness training is a good place to start. Experienced meditators often experience psychic and other paranormal phenomenon as their skills develop.

  10. Lets divide perception into 2 catagories, gross (most obvious, apparent) and subtle (less obvious, apparet).  So a car and a brick are gross physical objects while emotions (a biochemical reaction) subtle and thoughts even more subtle.

    Now in the subtle realm of thoughts we can also divide them into gross and subtle.  So for example rational thinking is concidered a gross form of mental activity, whilst intuitive thinking more subtle and psychic thoughts even more so.

    Now as human beings with senses and a brain/mind, we have access to gross physical reality, emotional reality and mental (with its degrees of subtlety) reality.

    Science to a large extent poo poo's pychic ability pricipally because there is no way to objectively measure it, and this is because it's so subtle we don't yet have the technical sensitivity to measure and confirm or disprove it.

    Some people seem to have a greater sensitivity to access psychic thought whilst other not, but sensitivity can be developed.  Meditation is a good tool, because when we meditated we close off and disengage our senses from the gross physical realm (close our eyes and sit still) and focus our attention on the ever more subtle mental domains (also depends on the meditation technique you use, not all techniques do this).

    Other ways may include and I feel should include, talking about our experiences (you may want to be discriminating about who you talk to) with other serious like minded people, writing down your expereinces, drawing/painting ...etc.  This is what I call embodying the experience, drawing it down to at least the rational mental level (This is not as easy as it seems and requires patience and consistency).  This allows the experience to be filled out and not drift aimlessly in the psychic realm.

    As Quantum Theory does not follow the laws of Newtonian Physics, so to, Psychic thinking does not follow the same laws as say Rational thinking or the gross physical laws, so be careful in trying to measure it from a 'grosser' perspective.

    It all hinges upon your ability to develop and manage your increased sensitivity to the more subtle domains of your own mental faculty.

  11. Meditation. Simply learning to quiet the "chatter" of your mind. But if you're going to do it, you should also learn to protect yourself. See yourself surrounded in pure white light, or God's light if you believe, but don't just see it around you, see it infusing your body, your aura, so that it's a part of you. That will keep out the icky stuff.

    but meditation is really it that I've found. :)

    peace, love and light

  12. Regular Complete Concentrated Meditation and sun gazing or gazing objects continuously helps a great way

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