
Psychic tell me!!?

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How can and how should I improve myself so that there will be someone in my life. What should I do?

My birthday is may 25/1987. Where should I go to find that special someone? I don't want to be alone in life!!!




  1. lmfao

  2. KEY WORD:


  3. Get out here an meet some people. Join an online dating community.

  4. you are sooo young.. maybe church, socialize, but do not rush into it.. you may settle for something that you dont want in a relationship. just have fun and give it time, and be good to people. it will pay off when it is time.. but thats just my opinion i have heard of people trying eharmony and places like that as well.

  5. well i think the best way to meet someone and improve is to focus on your happiness. Be happy without anyone, because let me tell you, when you really want someone they never come.. your eagerness pushes them away. You need to be content being by yourself and thats when people usualy come along.. i have found :)

    you are very young and i am only 2 years older then you and i am alone, everyone fears beign alone.. but ultimatly even when you have someone everyone is always alone, but they beauty of it is we are always alone together :) The best place to meet someone special is not out at a bar or club, because usualy those relationships are clouded by your initial thought, and you do not get to know that person as well and hence the relationship does not last as long, leaving you feeling empty. of corse their are acceptions.

    I say if you want to meet someone make more friends be friendly. Partners can come out of strange places like friends of friends, family friends, or someone you meet when you are out having fun =D

    Just expand your hobbies, horizons and maybe join a club, or simply go out and live life more. Life is what happens why your busy making plans, and you won't end up alone. go for it!

    good luck to you!

  6. Pam Richards - 20 Years Experience

    Guidance anywhere in the world.
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