
Psychic what it is that make me so different from other kids in my school and people in this world?

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Psychic what it is that make me so different from other kids in my school and people in this world?




  1. I do not understand your question... sorry.

  2. Your charisma and prettiness.

  3. go to a surgeon and ask him if he/she can implant you some artificial angel wings...

  4. nothin but that u can do somthin thing that they cant it a good thing

  5. hey, i'm no psychic...but i believe it's our differences that makes this world so beautiful...embrace them!  Or the only thing i can predict for your future is depression and need to cheer up and accept who you are!

  6. She's not calling herself a Psychic, she's asking one for help.  All her questions are worded like this.

    As for what makes you's called being an individual.  Everyone is different and it's not a bad thing.

  7. Firstly, I honestly believe that humanity does have the capability to do great things with their minds (i.e. psychic abilities, ESP, telekinesis, etc.) but there are so many people claiming to have these abilities but yet they have no knowledge of anything, some can’t even do the basic things such as spell or have proper grammar.

    Extra-sensory mental abilities would require a great deal of mental control and extreme concentration. These factors go hand in hand with knowledge and learning. If someone hasn’t mastered their own mind to learn the basics (such as understanding math, science, physics [or even just correct spelling], and learning to retain information to build memory and concentration) there is no way their mind is strong enough, or knows enough to have psychic abilities.

    It is sad to see that even in today’s society with all this information at our disposal very few have time to (or have the love to) really master knowledge and learning. Of course many people’s lives have been preoccupied with work and money as a means of survival that they can’t devote their time to learn the things they should know.

    For example what is the difference between someone who’s never played baseball and a pro baseball player? Nothing except time commitment, practice, and mastery of the basic baseball skills. To master the basic skills the person has to learn the basic theories and devote the majority of their time and effort into gaining the knowledge that is needed.

    Just like every person has the potential to have psychic abilities the same could be said about baseball (that is if they have no major physical handicap).

    For my personal interest (non-officially) I have been researching psychic phenomenon for more than 15 years now and I have found some very interesting factors when it comes to people that have actual psychic abilities.

    The first, and probably the most important, is the fact that those with actual psychic abilities do not want to gain profit from the abilities, such as selling books, selling merchandise, or gaining fortune by being famous. Such psychic people believe that their abilities are a gift and are not meant to be a money making issue. Some within this group tend to want seclusion and don’t want attention, for what ever reason. So you can easily weed out the real from fakes just by seeing if they sell anything or if they are selling themselves (or simply want attention by wanting to be special).

    The second factor seems to be IQ score and general overall knowledge. Of those with actual abilities their IQ scores tend to be above 114 (with none being below 109) and have excellent general knowledge (to the point that most would be considered genius). Memory and concentration abilities are also tied in with this, with many having very above average memory recall abilities (which explains why they have excellent general knowledge over a multitude of subjects). Personally after knowing some of these people I would call them very intelligent (and wise). (The large majority practice their abilities several hours a day, and devote many hours not only reading novels but textbooks for fun, and it appeared to me that many took learning very seriously and attributed their psychic abilities to their knowledge).

    The third factor is tied in with the physical aspect. Many become physically and mentally exhausted after using their abilities (which caused by extreme concentration, focus, and overall use of their brain during those times). It is assumed because their minds are so exercised with knowledge that they have complete control over their basic mental faculties that it appears to shift control into the subconscious as well.

    The last factor is that these actual psychic people are a very small percentage of the population. (I assume this is due to the fact that the large majority of the general population has very poor general knowledge, lower than normal IQ scores, and take knowledge and learning as punishment and willingly avoid anything to make themselves smarter).

    So as you can see when I read a post from someone who claims they have abilities that are psychic in nature and they can’t even spell, I immediately know this person is not being truthful. Perhaps if they picked up a novel or a textbook once in a while and actually learned something, and exercised their brains in the extreme they could develop their abilities. So lets face it, if a 12th grader knows more than you do I absolutely doubt you have any extra-sensory abilities (since you primary-sensory abilities are non-existent).

    The second thing that really bothers me is these people posting their so called psychic abilities on YouTube and other video forums. I have only seen two videos on YouTube that I can say it is highly likely this person has psychic abilities, the rest are all fakes. First clue, not working on glass tables and having an glass enclosure that shows everything around. Second clue, working with all metallic materials (easily manipulated with magnets). Third clue, having to touch objects extensively before hand (to attach invisible threads) and needing to move the hands in order for the object to move (again because of invisible threads) a real psychic doesn’t need to use their hands because the abilities are based in the brain and mind, not hands. The last clue is zooming in so close that you have no idea what other apparatus are around that are controlling the movement.

  8. you seperate yourself from them

  9. Hey if you are psychic than can you predicted my future??

    Lukasz, April 10, 1987 Wejherowo, Poland, Aries, Blue eyes, 5'8"

    contect me

  10. Ummm, if you're psychic thats what makes you different. Love it, it's a gift.

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