
Psychic why am i withdrawn from people? and why is so hard for me to find someone who understand me?

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Psychic why am i withdrawn from people? and why is so hard for me to find someone who understand me?




  1. you're withdrawing yourself from people, people aren't withdrawing from you.

  2. You dont need a psychic, you need a psychitrist. You need to look in your past for tragic events that couldve made you this way. No one can understand you if youre, secluded from them.

  3. Because you focus too much on the problem.  Stop thinking!  Live in the present, the here and now.  Focus more on the good stuff.  what you're good at.

  4. you are withdrawn from people because you do not trust them from hurting you, and the trust it requires in yourself, and then in others, is not within you right now, or rather is hiding from misuse

    think very hard on forgiving the past, everyone's part in it, yours, those who have hurt you...

    not forgiing is like swallowing poison everyday and expecting to become healthy, it just won't happen

    it may help you to release the past once you find the acceptance that nothing in this world can change the past, not even god can change what has gone before

    you need to find someone to talk to, whether it is a counselor, a relative, a priest, a stranger, anyone you feel more comfortable with than anyone else? heck, even if the only one you talk to at first is your cat or dog, start working on saying what has hurt you, why you do not trust anyone

    the others are correct too, that is if you never open up to anyone, then no one is ever going to be able to understand you

    people will accept you for you once you start to show them who you really are, i know it is scary as h**l, hon, but being lonely is no way to live your life

    good luck to you

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