
Psychic why loving someone hurt so bad? will i ever recover, it's breaking me to pieces?

by Guest56416  |  earlier

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Psychic why loving someone hurt so bad? will i ever recover, it's breaking me to pieces?




  1. Oh God, Santhia. Grow up! You have people here thinking you've just gotten out of a bad break-up. When you're just obsessed with your fantasy of whoever - wether it's your gym teacher or Roberto. And why are you asking for this advice from a "psychic". Maybe if you go out and meet people, and actually get a life you'll be recognize reality from fantasy. And I can't believe you'll soon be 19. You sound like a 12 year old.

  2. Be strong. Things may seem bad now but eventually things will get better. Everyone hurts at one point or another, and it may truly never be forgotten but the pain will eventually fade and give way to new hope and wonderful possibilities. I feel for you. Just stay positive and good things will come. Much love to you. Take care.

  3. Yes, you will recover. People want to love so passionately, that they will really latch onto somebody. When somebody else comes along, they will latch on just as strongly. Just start looking for the next person.  

  4. Give yourself some time. I don't know how old you are, but when I was  about 30 my heart was broken into a million pieces.

    I never thought I would recover. But you do. Allow your self time to heal and move on.  

  5. Loving someone just hurts that is just the nature of love... But along with love comes time and yes time does heal all wounds............  

  6. Loving someone and then losing them is probably the most painful emotion we experience as human beings. My heart goes out to you. I heard something once that I thought was very profound. When you are feeling better, focus on being the right person instead of looking for the right person. You will meet someone that will be right for you and them. It's ok to grieve, the depth of your love equals the time it will  take to heal. Someone was very blessed to have someone love them the way you have. You deserve someone who loves you right back.

  7. Love does hurt horribly doesn't it?

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