
Psychics, can you tell me what my future lover's name is?

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I know you can't, 3/4 of people who claim to be psychics are fake.




  1. It is clear to me that you will fall in love with someone named Chris (the spelling could vary such as Kris)

    When you see this is correct and that I am in the 1/4th of real ones, contact me, I have some more information for you.

  2. Well...duh, Jack. That's's going to be **Jill** <<notice my intense sarcasm>>

    Ok, first off I will not disagree that most "psychics" are not what they claim to be or they promise too much or the people asking have too high of expectations.

    I would also suggest that you pull you're head out a little and learn to breath some -- you'd have to first be "open" to the idea of actually getting the name...which you're not; you're only out to be rude and defiant -- whoever it was that pissed you off; that's there problem...don't take it out on the rest of us.

    Oh, wait...or is it because ya'll believe that nobody can be psychic or if they were they wouldn't show up here and so that gives you somebody to *bash* because you're not allowed to bash people of color or alternative sexual preferences? Perhaps the need to be hateful is just so great you cannot resist.

    And ya'll are running around here acting like you ARE psychic because you *just know* who isn't going to know something -- why don't you take a step back and maybe start asking how "being psychic" REALLY works...and don't just ask one psychic...ask a bunch; do your research...get a clue.

    Your odds of actually getting a name are slim; however, if you were to ask nicely you might get details about the appearance of the individual or their personality type.

    There are too many variables in the Universe to ever be 100% and for each possible option there's unlinmited twists and turns...what most psychics are looking it is merely one possible path...and if what is on that path goes according to what they see then they're prediction comes true...if something unforseen happens then they're fake?

    Take a house and paint each side a different color; one blue, one yellow, one red, one green...stand one person on each side of that house so that they cannot see any other side of the house...then ask them, "What color is the house?"

    You're going to get four different answers...which one is telling the truth? Which one is lying? They're answer can only be based upon their current perception of the situation.

    Besides, I thought most of those 900#s tell you "its for entertainment only".

  3. Her name will be.......please enter your credit card number and information and press the pound sign then i will continue with your answer. *elevator music plays*

  4. Diane

  5. Britney, since Jill is already taken.

  6. Yup most are fake.  Her name is Miss Michigan.

  7. Jill. (you said you're Jack)

  8. You're too YOUNG for a lover!! LOL

  9. Only 3/4?

    Your future lover's name is either "honey", "babe", or "sweetheart". And "love muffin" is not out of the question, either.

  10. Her name will be John.

  11. Amanda

    you are welcome

  12. You are asking for something we cannot give without you sending a personal item from you , your beloved, and a nice 600 fee to cover our services.

    when do we expect the package?

    Of course you can't send something from her and you probably can't afford 600 dollars

    I am a fake I can tell you this the other person was right about the sweet little nick names I know you will be calling by those.

  13. I will agree with you that "most" psychics are fakes. But that is not to say that there are not psychics out there that are actually dead on correct.

    I seriously think that a lot of people don't understand the true nature of most psychics. Information is given to a psychic in certain ways and at times it is not what you would expect. There are messages to be given to the person seeking answers but it may not be the answers that that person is looking for, it could be something completely off the subject

    I will tell you that the "real" psychics pick up vibes, and aura's from the person they are doing a reading on, and  it is basically a validation of what you yourself already know. There are some psychics that deal with numbers and dates, some psychics deal with love, and there are some psychics that can tell you anything that you need to know. Psychics cant always give a reading on the internet, and they cant always do a reading over the phone, vibes and aura's are read  in a person to person contact.

    I suggest that if you want your question answered go to a psychic that deals with names, but good luck cause names are not part of most non medium psychics job descriptions. Maybe if your spouse or lover was dead someone could serious answer that question for you!

  14. Frank (Your welcome)

  15. You are wrong. 4/4 people who claim to be psychic are fake -- they are either deliberately fake con men, or they are self-deluded.

  16. For $200, sure I can. And for another $100 I'll even throw in the names of your future children.

    Actually, I think it's 4/4.

  17. With your cynicism, Dixie, Trixie or Cheri, you know the kind that love for money by the half hour.  I doubt you are capable of maintaining a relationship; but my serious guess long time lover is Robert.

  18. Frank Smith. I know, you're really a "she".

  19. I think that 3/4ths are fake - meaning that they know full well that they dont have powers, while the other quarter are delusional, and bevieve they are psychici but are not.  That being said, your lovers name begins with an M - if you would like the rest of the name and the details or your first meeting, please send me $799 dollars

  20. No need to thank me here. It's Buh Buh.

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