
Psychics, do you believe in Jesus?

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what about the bible?




  1. yes, I am a christian and i read the bible everyday. I also have this gift of being able to see things that other people dont. I am what is called a sensitive meaning I can tell when there are spirits around in a home....there is only a curtain beteween this life and the next, and spirits are all around us. when I sense spirits around I smell smoke. thats when I know my grandfather is around. he was a heavy smoker. It use to scare me until I discovered how to use my gift. now it brings me great comfort...let me say you do have to be careful when dealing with the spirit  world because there are evil enitiys out there and if you don;t know what your doing you can open doors to things that will be difficult to shut....good fortune in your searching

  2. YES YES YES...and I remember reading where Jesus told the man he saw him under that tree (when Jesus was no where near that tree)Was it Nicodemus?? (This doesn't mean that I'm  a psychic or ever was). Stuff happens and you really can't control it. I guess all you can do is stop listening or when you hear it say this real loud over and over...DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAHDAH!!!!!!!!!(You should have asked..."Do you LOVE Jesus?")

  3. Hello

    Yes I do, he was a real man, history proves that. From a spiritual view he was a powerful channel for spirit to work through, an Avatar - like many others. The Christ Energy is one that many psychics work with.

    The bible is, like religion, man made. Therefore it is not pure, it is open to personal representation & as we all know, that is not always with love. The bible is also not in its true form, books have been taken out & it has been changed.

    The bible, like religion is a form of spiritual control from the past that is still too rigid, with no singular belief that is held the same by all.


  4. ya! sure! i beleive in the bible too!

    im proud to be a christian

  5. no not at all

  6. I do not claim to be psychic. I am of course not Christian but used to be and  I would have told you back then that you cannot b a psychic and a Christian. Many Christians  think this way. but many psychics are believers in God, the bible and Jesus.

    I had a great aunt by marriage she was my Granddad's brothers wife who did not  go to church anywhere and read  regular playing cards like  tarot cards and was very accurate with the readings.

    Okay she also did not claim to be a psychic but did do readings like many psychics do and okay she did not attend church, but she did believe in Jesus had accepted him as her personal Savior, and did read her bible. I know many who are psychic who do read the bible and believe on Jesus. they are not traditional Christians as  people view them but are believers and consider themselves Christian.

    My grandad used to puzzle me because he was a staunch UPC Jesus only Pentecostal and if you were not UPC Jesus Only then you were h**l bound. he told me I was going go h**l when I was just  six years old because my dad let my mother take me to the Baptist church. He would tell my aunt his sister in law she was demon possessed, and h**l bound but before he would leave he would ask her for a reading. My aunt being the good soul she was just laughed it off.


  7. Yup, I'm catholic, actually, and I read the bible on a regular basis. :)

  8. Definitely

    Definitely too

    I am oneness Penecostal

  9. demons believe in Jesus.. and are terrified of Him

                                  choose wisely

  10. I believe he didn't exist.

  11. I was raised Anglican but have been Pagan for 10 years.

    I have read the Bible, and I do believe that Jesus existed, though I think someone got their dates a bit muddled!

    There are many psychics who would describe themselves as Christians ~ there is one I know who always ends his readings with the words "God bless".

  12. I think that Jesus was a person.... I think he was a wonderful spiritual advisor and that he has completely changed people's lives for the better..

    Now, is he god's only son?  I doubt it....

    But he is an avenue for others to achieve enlightenment, so I'm all for him....

    The bible is a book it was written.  I believe it as much as I believe in any book.......  it isn't "gospel"  But it too has wonderful properties that change people for the better......

  13. Subscribing to one magical, imaginary belief system doesn't preclude adhering to another.  In fact, it seems more likely.

  14. Yes, im catholic and read the bible everyday..almost anyway. He gave us this gift

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