
Psychics, please...?

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I've had this strange long-time feeling that someone that has passed needs or wants to speak to me or send me a message. I have an idea who, but don't know. Could someone help me?




  1. What makes you think they have a message for you? What things are happening that give you this impression? But I'm ITA with Kimberlee... tell them you know they're there, but if they have a massage for you, you're not understanding it, and to come to you in a dream. Ask them to show you who they are as well as leaving you a message that you'll understand. Your spirit guides will help with this. But sometimes, family members just want you to know they're there, they don't always have a message. Sometimes it's just "hi! I love you!"

  2. You feel like a deceased person is trying to communicate through you?  Which is more plausible, that you are assigning a particular feeling to some form anxiety or that a deceased person has selected you to serve as his medium?

    I don't indend to sound dismissive and I promise I am not showing you disrespect, but there are so many other possibilities other than that which you have indicated.

  3. if it is a Blonde blue eyed 6'1" and has been missing since 1985 and he is trying to tell you where his body is at. let me know

  4.'s me your uncle Leo. I died a few days ago and I thought I would contact you via Yahoo answers. You are not in my will...sorry. That is alI wanted to tell I must go back to heaven.

  5. Ask the universe to help. Meditate.I don't know why some of us find it easier to talk to people who have "passed on" then others. Be open, and good luck!

  6. Does the name start with... an M?  Wait, maybe the name starts with a J?

    And the person passed away from.... trouble in the chest region?

  7. When you go to sleep at night ask this person to come to you in dream form and specifically tell you what it is that they want. Tell them that you cannot go around amking a fool out of yourself. This happened to me and after 3 weeks of constant badgering we come up with this... boy did it help. You may get the message for someone else, it is your job to actually tell the third party the message exactly as you heard it, do not be embarrassed, it may not make any sense to you. But they will understand. My message to a third party (someone I did not know ) was "Do the Frog face". He understood. I still do not.

  8. Go with your feeling & something will develope to help you understand better!

    Accept the prescense of your daughter who loves you & wants you to know she is fine!

    Best wishes to you...

  9. you could meditate as you may get the answer.. but don't concentrate on looking for the answer... then you wont hear it.. clear your mind from all your thoughts.. a good way of doing that is by concentrating on your breath. another thing u could do is send it out as a question to the universe just before sleeping. some people use this technique and get their answer as a dream.

  10. obviously you miss someone who has died.

    I am sorry for you loss and I understand your desire.

    Dont be fooled by those charlatans who will have you believe that the dead can talk to the living.

    The bible tells us that this is impossible.

    You are reversing your feelings on them, perhaps so that it doesnt hurt so much. Perhaps you should talk to a therapist, or friend, or close family member about your sorrow.

    Oh, and there is no such thing as psychic powers or mediums, those are just people trying to use your loss to get into your wallet by pretending they can connect you to your deceased friend or family member.

  11. Without actually being there or trying to focus in on your stuff I'm not going to be able to tell you the "what" but I can suggest a "how".

    During the times you get the 'urge' to get the message; pay attention to where you are and pay attention to similar details if you're not always in the same location...the message could be trying to be sent via signs/symbols if you're not particularly clairaudient (psychic hearing). Or just not realizing you're particularly clairaudient.

    Also during those moments; pay attention to whomever you think is trying to contact you...ask questions --- in your mind is ok or out loud if you feel more comfortable. If you feel a wave of energy (generally identified by goosebumps) take that as a positive or "getting warmer" answer to your question.

    That's not a 100% but it's something to start with; good luck.

  12. no  sorry
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