
Psychics, when will i be at peace again?

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for about the last 2-3 years my life has been quite stressful, can anyone tell me when things might calm down and what can i do to help things?




  1. OK

    Stress is not a bad thing...unless you focus on that.

    Life is not a matter of being calmed down,

    (ask anyone who lives in a nice calm rest home)

    Meditate! There is a vast peace there to find.

    Deal with life deliberately, live deliberately.

    Simplify and focus on what really matters.

    Change!  Accept Change!

    Stop being afraid...take action!

    Be truthful (totally) to yourself and others.

    Listen to others...carefully.

    Praise others...

    and live in the world...not the self.

  2. The perfect peace of Jesus Christ is now flooding down upon you; and the pure Spirit of God's will is now within your mind.

    You must decide when to let Jesus come into you as soul and make this peace Super-Real to you  ..and more.

    This profound God-conscious experience usually does not happen, on average, to humans here until about age 35 or so.

    The 17th century science-philosophy-religion genius Blaise Pascal was only in his 20's, but that is very rare.

    This may help: Turn off the TV and the computer and spend 30min or so of quiet prayer and reflection time one to three times a day.  Keep a spiritual diary if you like.

    God's Light Presence makes all darkness of you as soul go away; you will be filled with peace, love and joy.

    Way back in 1976, I had some tremendous psychic powers for a few months; that did not give me soul peace which is a much higher Gift of God's Spirit and in Spirit.

    All the psychic advice in the world, and one USA dollar bill might get you a cup of cheap coffee in a cheap restaurant.  Ha ha  A small cup of the Water of Life and Pure Light and you never will thirst again -- and He is free !  Count the cost.

    E-mail me if you wish more advice in Spirit and in Truth.

    Peace and progress,

    Brother Dave, a Jesusonian Christian Truthist  Gospel enlarging website,

    proclaiming worldwide the True Religion


    Come and share !

  3. I am not going to lie to you, I am not a psychic, although I know people who would state otherwise, but I will tell you what I have learned, and the wisdom that was passed down to me.

    Life fluctuates constantly, and the fluctuations may last for years, or just a few minutes.  Probably at this moment you are in those year fluctuation.

    What you must learn to do is 'give' yourself some space to breath.  Not a vacation, but perhaps take a day trip to somewhere peaceful and don't take anyone along, and think about what you asked here.

    Is it a habit that you have formed or developed, or is it the people that you are involved with (even family members)?  I pretty much had to write a lot of my family off because of these.  Perhaps it may be your job?  Think of what else you can do as a living.  Maybe it won't pay as much, but if you are happy, does it really matter?

    Peace comes from within, and sometimes it takes us a while to find that peace.  You need to learn who you are, what you need, and what you expect out of life in order to be "happy."  Even after meeting the man that I knew I would marry since I was six years old, marrying him, and having two wonderful girls and gaining two more children thru the marriage, it has taken me 8 years to find that peace and learn to be happy.

    Robert L is right too.  Meditation does help.  A lot.  

    There may be someone who can let you know what you need to do in order to learn the answers to your question, but sometimes we have to find those answers ourselve.  More often than not there is not a quick, easy fix, for situations like this.

    I do hope that you find happiness again too, and find what it is that you are seeking.

    Blessed Be!

  4. very soon, as long as you work toward it.

  5. When you believe that psychics can't help you then you will begin the healing process.  You can only gain true peace from within yourself so start there and not with a psychic.

  6. I might be able to if you can send me a picture. I just need to be able to see your face, including your eyes. I usually just ask for a birthdate and first name (to distinguish you and connect to your energy), but I haven't been able to get much from that lately. Pictures are better and easier. You can email me through my profile and I'll give you an email address to send the picture to if you're interested.

    Otherwise, peace, love and light.

  7. quoth the raven nevermore

  8. when you stop believing in BS.

  9. When you're ready to get back in balance and put energy into changing the situation.

  10. when you quit asking "phsycics" to help you. thats so raven isnt going to come here and answer this sweetie

  11. life is stressful from day one to the grave.

    it is up to you, however, to have a lighten up kind of vision upon 'life' and it'll be all right.

    please remove the idea of life being a written scenario and reform your system of beliefs around the idea that life is already a wonderful thing, not a stressful one.

  12. you need to understand that we go through these bad times in order to learn and become stronger in ourselves, what is a struggle now, is a learning curve in your life. you may need to change some aspect of your life, find inner peace unfortunately it takes time but its worth it in the end.

  13. Can I call my self a pschic for God?

    Do as brother suggests...........then email me for any Bible studies also of how to be at peace..........true peace comes only from God.

    You have to find a spot of quiet, where you can talk to God.  Ask and you shall; seek and you shall;

    you shall mount up with wings as an Eagle....and walk & run and not faint or grow weary.

  14. lol you are gullable and way too superstitious. whenever you decide to calm down your life. no one can decide your life but you

  15. I am a psychic and a sensitive. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I am not seeing peace in your life for another 10-20 years along the path you currently are on. The peace you are looking for may require that you abandon many long held, comforting beliefs that you don't want to let go. Whether you do or not, I can't see beyond that point.

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