
Psychics, where should I go to get a job?

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I'm 20 and I go to college




  1. Every single animal and human being is psychic, including you.  Use your own gift to decide on a suitable job.  A stranger, psychic or not, can't do that for you.  Trust your instincts ... and use your intellect.  

    Good luck!

  2. Genetics, engineering, accounting or the government.

  3. Your local job centre would be a good start...

  4. Well the system is about to crash in on us, so look into civil engineering and go to work for the government.  When the system crashes the only ones with money are the government.

  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmm20 travel the world why be stuck get  job where you can travel go places see things ......see the world or give it all up and go  to a forien country and give hope to people that are poor.....and helpless mmmm food for thought

  6. Apply to every job that is available , the one you get is the one you should take.

  7. If it is a feeling and not a thought about the subject, go with what makes you feel your best!

  8. do want you feel you want to do... what ever feels right for you....follow your own heart and dont follow others, most of the times everything works out just fine in the end....

  9. The unemployment office can help.


  10. Start a website and become a sports handicapper for major sports or horse racing.  

    You should be able to charge a very nice fee for your services since I assume a psychic would hit on a very high percentage of picks.

    Not only could you charge for picks, but you could actually bet your picks and make millions.

    You should be able to make a mint doing this.

  11. Learn to play poker and become a professional poker player.

    Or take theology and become a minister.

    You can go either way.

  12. Are you talking about a part time job while you go to college? What are you majoring in? It would be good if your job was related to your major so you can say you have experience in the field when you get out and look for a full time job/profession.

  13. Sorry, I see unemployment in all industries where literacy and at least an average IQ is required.  And you lied about the college.

  14. Go to your passion, from there find something that will support it.

  15. stock market

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