
Psychics..Do you think that a person who "has demons" would put "Holy Water" on themself?

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Wouldn't they be afraid of it?




  1. no i don't think they would do it to thereselves.

  2. the weak demons perhaps will be afraid but with the strong demons doesn't work that good

  3. Are you serious?

  4. That really does stink, Deenie. But I think it really depends on how much in control they are, like if the demon has full control or you do. If you do, then yup, I'd imagine you would. :)

    EDIT: by "has demons" I took it to me you're possessed, right? Well, that means the spirit/demon has control over your body. Being a channeler I happen to know what that experience feels like, but I also know that you have the ultimate control. So if the demon has full control of your body, you're not conscious and no, a demon wouldn't want to put Holy water on themselves.

    But if there's a demon inside you but you still have full control, I'd imagine you'd most definitely want to go get some holy water. Does that make more sense?

  5. Depends on how much they let the demons take control.

    Even if one is "possessed, they still have some control.  If they wanted it out, then Yes, they would, but would require some kind of outside assistance.

  6. christians and the like prefer and enjoy to blame satan and demons for a whole heap of c**p. i have a friend with schozophrenia, and still, in the 21st century, the lept upon her whil eshe was "sick", dowsed her in holy water, and smashed a crusafix into her forehead, all the while screaming, shes possessed.... yeah sounds like im b***itting hey, im not. thats what makes me so disgusted. but, on the other hand, any object, being holy water, has power if the believer does. and what are you saying? they be afraid of the water or this so called demon??

  7. Thats all a bunch of poppycock and your life would be much happier and productive if you walked away from all of that...its pure BS

  8. Depends, where did they get it? Are you certain it was blessed? It sounds to me like maybe they aren't really possessed, just looking for attention.

  9. The kind of people who believe in superstitions like demons are the same kind of people who believe the superstition that blessing water gives it magical powers.  So I agree that a person who believes he is possessed by a demon would not willingly expose himself to holy water.

  10. only if they dont know that they are "with demons"

  11. believe it or not, the bible does not record there being a such thing as holy water at all. A minister told me this once and i took it upon myself to find it beings there is so many movies and word of mouth about holy water being used all the time. there are websites that have the entire bible, old and new testament were you can search it for anything you want. Come to find out it's not a biblical concept. Take a look if you don't believe me, that's what i did. you would be surprised what is practiced and taught in our churches that seemed to just pop out of thin air.

  12. NO!!! a person who is possessed does not and will not pour holy water on themselves. If who ever does this they need spiritual guidance or help because something is very wrong here.  I know, Because I talk to the dead everyday, and, I also saw someone possessed, and it's nothing to make fun of. Some will say hogwash because they have not have that experience, But, if one day they should then they will believe that there are good spirits and then there are demons. But no one with a demon in their body will pour holy water on themselves unless they can see a spirit following them around and they don't know how to explain it.

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