
Psychics and humans can you answer this?

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Do you think everyone has a direction/career in life? What would you say about me trying my hardest in college and couldn't grad. Try doing my own business and was a big failer( that I know is hard for a lot of people). Just in jobs in life, got no where in life along w/ not good money at all. I never did drugs, never smoked and drink maybe once a year. Also strong beliefs in God and always have. Oh I'm not depressed and know it will work out for me. I was just trying to figure out why sooooo many bumps in the road?




  1. Just set a goal and work hard toward it.  Get whatever help you need.  You sound like you're still young, so you have many chances still.  Just because you haven't found your niche yet doesn't mean that you won't.  

    Don't feel bad about this -- life isn't easy, and takes alot of work to succeed.

  2. not everyone is cut out for college or running their own business . . my friend flunked out of college but she is doing great working for a home builder selling homes  

  3. God hates you

  4. Sounds like you're trying very hard! Keep it up! Things can only get better!

    Good luck in the future! x

  5. In the U.S. most people have great opportunities to succeed. You too if you live here. Make sensible goals, see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and keep on trying. Everyone has difficulties and bumps on the road.

  6. sounds to me you are already doing a good job you know how many people give up after one failed attempt, keep trying and everything will work out.

    Like the old saying goes you have to crawl before you walk.

  7. I'm not psychic, but I am human, so I'll take a crack at answering....

    I could go on a long message about how my intuition is telling me that at least half of the time, you are someone who sees the glass "half empty".  That is the source of your "failures".  You see the times you've fallen down.  When it happened, you assume that meant it was time to quit or proof that you couldn't do it.  

    Here's some quotes to consider:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

    --  Thomas A. Edison, US inventor (1847 - 1931)

    "If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."

    --  Thomas A. Edison, US inventor (1847 - 1931)

    Someone can fail a hundred times....  But success is only gonna happen when you get up and try again.

    Good luck.

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