
Psychics can you answer this question for me?

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I would like information about the name Caio C.

When will we be together?

Is he obtainable for the long term?

If we get married will it end in divource?

Are there any woman in his life that he is attracted to?

Are there any girls who like him right now?

When will we have s*x?

What lies in my future?

Caio C.

Born sao paulo brazil, november 13th 1984

-His mother's maiden name is Solange Freitas.

Born in 1953

-His brother's name is Felipe.

Born November 23 1986

-His father's name is Roberto.

Born 1953

My name is Xiao D.

Born september 5th 1985 at 8:00 a.m. in Shang Hai

-Mother's maiden name Zhang Xi.

post your hotmail address if you want to see a picture of Caio




  1. Soon


    Yes 3

    Yes 1



    You will marry him but end in a bitter divource and u will have 3 kids and will have to help them thru your divorce.

  2. lol, you need want to know when you will have s*x with this know this question is just to get someone to email you. The information you gave is dumb go to a psychic near you or call one.

    You will never be together because he doesn't exist.

    He is obtainable as long as you want because he is your made up friend.

    If you get married it can't end up in divorce because you cannot divorce an imaginary friend.

    He is attracted to his creator as all imaginary friends are.

    No other girls know about him so they cannot like him.

    You wil have intercourse with him anytime you want, because he is imaginary, although it may be difficult.

    Probably nothing lies in your future, because he does not exist and if you make up imaginary friends you probably don't get out much...

    Man you are relentless with your questions... get outside smell the world!

  3. This sounds more like a  numerology reading.

    This is a good example of how people think that psychics can just instantly and randomly give a reading.

    This is way too much information unless you are asking I said Neuromology.

    I would say that you are way to obcessed with this man and that will drive him nuts. He porbably isn't your last love.

    You are making way too many assumptions without his permission.

    I would advise to not thoik so much about it and work on making your life good so that when you do have a man in your life Obcessive love is immature love.

    Let go and let life happen.

  4. Any GOOD psychics that could answer all these questions are going to cost money. This is a lot of questions and they aren't going to answer them for the h**l of it.

    I would suggest gettting a tarot card reading. Start with a simple question like, "What lies ahead for me and ____?" They will see the cards and go from there.

    A lot of times people think they can get exact dates and names. But that isn't always the case. There are a lot of factors that go in to a reading and there are a lot of things that can change the future.

  5. since you asked them to put there email address I am guessing you are going to send them a virus or something inapporiate.

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