
Psychics can you tell me if a object is Haunted?

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Psychics can you tell me if a object is Haunted?

I found a weird stuff animal on e-bay, the seller believes the stuff animal to be haunted.

Do you get anything off this item?

Check out this link to see the item

Thanks for your time & your opinion.




  1. Sometimes this is true.....

    But many times this is just made up to make money.....basically you'll pay more than it's worth, because you think it's haunted.

    And if it just may not like what happens, and if you get rid of it, you may not get rid of the spirit, it may like you and stay with you all your life.

  2. Self-proclaimed psychics can't tell you anything about your stuffed animal. But that won't stop them from making something up or imagining something to tell you. By the way, a haunted house is silly but a haunted stuffed animal is just ridiculous. I hope you didn't buy it because of that.

  3. it may actually be haunted. i believe it, because i once had a haunted life sized barbie doll! i put it in my attic after i tuned 7 years old. after 1 year it had been in my attic, my cat died up there. one day, when i was eleven, my friend and i got it out and we had it in my room. we decided that we wanted to go outside and play hide and seek. when i looked in my window, i saw my barbie doll peering over at me. from my bedroom window, and i certainly hadn't placed it there. nobody was in the house at the time either. i got rid of that doll immediately. it was sooooo creepy!

  4. There have been a handful of people who have made a bundle selling "haunted" objects.  Considering the facts--that there has never been a verified haunting or any evidence of ghosts/spirits--things like this are just a scam.  After all, if you can't prove ghosts exist you can't disprove them.  Therefore people who sell haunted things have the magical protection.

  5. I do not believe that the bear is haunted, I think her story is a load of garbage. I have dealt with hauntings before and seeing as it was a new toy, and came into an area where there were no previous paranormal experiences I think it is something they came up with to try and get more money out of people.

  6. I went to answer this question & it has disappeared. I found it on my "history". The stories about the bear & the house were really interesting. I had a picture of Jesus (well..we all know they're not really pictures of Jesus) ..but it's eyes  always seemed to follow us. They say it's the way  they paint the eyes. My granddaughter has always been afraid of dolls. She's a little psychic but doesn't fully realize it yet. I don't really want her to realize it.Or..we're totally psychically connected. But ..things happened to her in another state it's not just about me. I try to get her to ignore it. If nothing bad has happened to these people..I'd say try to ignore it and don't encourage it ..even by talking about it. But if I were you...I sure wouldn't buy that bear. You're only asking for trouble. Who needs trouble????!!!!

  7. no, it's just weird looking.

  8. And did you purchase it because the seller said it was haunted?

    I hope you didn't spend any more than 7 bucks on the thing.

  9. The right card represents a critical element of the future. The Devil: Being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. Lust for and obsession with money and power. Living in fear, domination and bondage. Being caged by an overabundance of luxury. Discretion should be used in personal and business matters.

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