
Psycho Mathematics Teacher?

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What do you guys think of this: I was im my math period and really quickly finishing a language thing when the math teacher comes up to me and asks if it was math. I tried to explain to her that it was just for fun and I was on the last letter, but before I could finish my sentence, she ripped it out of my notebook, crumpled it up into little tiny pieces, then threw it away. She then screamed get back to work. The class 3 rooms down heard her scream it and she has never smiled the whole year.




  1. You need to go to the superintendent for the yelling and especcially if 3 teachers down could hear her.  Im not a guy but Talk to the superintendant or even the counselor these people can help.

  2. Go speak to your counselor or the vice principal.  This was inappropriate behavior for anyone, much less a teacher.

  3. put laxative in her food

  4. Excessive on the part of the teacher, but you were in the wrong too.

  5. She didn't want you doing anything other than math in math class. I don't know how old you are, but that is common sense and she has the authority to do that. Be thankful your "language thing" was just for fun and not a real assignment from another class. My advice: follow the rules.

  6. the comment: how does one crumple something to peices? the answer: teachers dont get paid very much dude and IF their good at it, their job its very hard. i wouldnt be suprised if she's lost it all together...i had a teacher that if she caught u doing other homework in her class she would take it from u till the end of the day, thus forcing u to do it at home.just spitefull really. moral of the story being.... get along with her, u only have to deal with it for so long and it would probably be better for the both of you if it went smoothly.

  7. yeah, maybe she was pmsing. but some teachers really do want you to focus just on their topic. give her a break, it's almost the end of the year and everyone is stressed. so do your language thing in your language class. btw, just out of curiosity, how do you crumple something into little tiny pieces? one piece, maybe. but you have to tear it to get little tiny pieces.

  8. You might be the recipient of her frustration with the entire class (or maybe even multiple classes).  Even if this is the first time you have done this, it is probably not the first time it has happened in her classroom, and you were the straw that broke the camel's back.  You got an overreaction, but it was to something wrong that you did, even if it was the first time you did it.

  9. Learn to follow the rules, whether they seem petty to you or not.

  10. I would say that you have been a thorn in her side before...she's tired of your antics...and she finally lost it. If you are in math class, you should not have work out for another class. I know you won't like my answer, but we see students doing this every's frustrating.

  11. I can definitely relate; I had a teacher who was so old and mean she must have taught satan...  Anyways, the best thing to do is what she says.  It'll be over soon, and then you'll never ever see her ever don't sweat it.

  12. LOL... wat a freak!

    Next time just get up and leave the class man... that's wat i wud do.

  13. wow she is crazy. dont light her on fire i learned the hard way.. lol jk.

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