
Psycho child...please help?

by Guest32160  |  earlier

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Psycho child...please help?

My son (ten year old boy) dreads going to hebrew school every tuesday because one of his classmates slingshots scisors, and pencils at him and his friends. The scary part is...the boy makes sure to sharpen the pencil right before forcefully shooting it with a rubberband. This psycho child almost hit my sons head with the sharpened pencil! Please help. What should i do? Should i call the boy's mother?




  1. You really have to ask?

    I'd talk to the teacher and then make the teacher call the boy's mother.Then tell them if it happens again, you will sue the school for maintaining a hostile environment.

    Your Jewish, you can do that (just teasing).

  2. I would address the school first and allow the school to try and take action with the parent, if that does not work then yes I would contact his mother.

  3. probably should talk to the teacher and if it don't stop remove your kid.

  4. Yes call the mother and tell the teacher... at the very least the teacher could talk to the 'bad' kid, contact his mother and sit him at the front of the class so that he can see him at all times and try to control him a little better...

    What kind of teacher would let this happen anyways?  The teacher, if any good, should notice tha naughty behaviour and notice your kid in distress...

    If it is this bad, talk to the teacher, ask the kid to stop, call his mother and if that doesnt work go to the departement of education, or whoever is in charge of the teacher, because this is unacceptable.

  5. this is something that the school should be involved with. First get your kid away from this psycho path twisted little child then talk to your childrens freinds parents. They need to get involved with this too. If you just call her then the mom wont take you seriously but if the school informs her on this she might actually talk to her kid. If your son is hurt or anything you need to sew! Seriously not even kidding. Hope this helps

  6. Oh my goodness! That boy needs to be disciplined. Contact the school first and let them know whats going on, I'm shocked that no adults have seen this going on! Also, I would talk to his mother personally she might not be aware that her son is acting so violently. In the mean time maybe you should let your son stay back from school one day so that he will not be traumatized.

  7. YES and get together with other parents a force with number can't be denied

  8. Tell your son to slap him silly and break the pencil and throw it back at him.  Crazy recognizes crazy

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