
Psychokinetics,Is there any work being done for parapelegics and Amputees?

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Is the Medical profession/industry covering the truth up?




  1. Finally, a practical application for my PK.  And here I've been using it to move around pencils.  Thanks for the idea.

    What should I charge?

  2. They told me there would be donuts!

  3. Yeah, you know those doctors, they don't want to help people, they want them to suffer.

    Of course not.  No one has that ability.  No one.  Ever.  If someone claims to, ask them why they don't win Randi's million .  Ask them why all scientists think they're lying.  Ask them why they can't seem to prove they can do it.

  4. This is one of the cover-ups that really outrages me. Just because scientists want to be so sciency and all, the parapelegics have to suffer.  In fact, in my science lab here in my home, I've succeeded in getting my friend Earl's hand to twitch just by concentrating my mind energy on it (Earl lost 90% use of it in a motorcycle accident). I've taught this to Earl and he's getting the hang of it. He can twitch it good now.

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