
Psychological disorder, something missing in the brian!?

by  |  earlier

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Serious answers please, rather than just "he's crazy"

My boyfriend definitely has some sort of mental issue. He's a great guy and I love him a lot, but there is no denying the truth. Examples of an underlying mental problem: 1. He can NEVER take responsibility for his own actions, ever. He got a speeding ticket- my fault because he was rushing home so he could call me. He got in a fist fight and got in trouble- my fault because he was fighting for me, even though I told him not to do it. He got locked out of his house- my fault because if I hadn't wanted to hang out, he wouldn't have left in the first place. It gets even worse because honestly, any problem he has in his life he blames on someone else. Grades in school, Not getting a better job.. ect 2. If we have an argument of any sort he ALWAYS ends up dramatizing it into a huge deal even if it was a small fight over barely nothing. We're talking screaming/yelling/crying over a disagreement of restaurant choice. (This would be the LEAST of his problems) 3. He can't control himself properly. If we have a fight he has no problem walking down the street screaming and yelling. It's as if he is missing that sensor in his brain that tells him he can't do things like that. It could be 2 am and he could care less who he's waking up in the neighbor hood. 4. There is no doubt in my mind that he absolutely positively has anger issues. He cannot control his temper, he breaks things, screams, cries, acts like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum.

My questions to you are-

Do these actions and examples meet any of the criteria for an existing phsycological disorder or mental disease?

Is there any medication that could help him deal with these issues, or calm him down or anything?

If someone is born with mental problems such as these, can they ever be cured, or will they be that way forever? Is that just how they were made, with a defected brain?

Please Help!




  1. If he's willing, therapy and medicine could help. Usually someone with anger issues could be given a mild anti anxiety medication. It sounds like it could be several things such as conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder. It could even fit borderline disorder.

    If he's not willing to pursue medicine and/or therapy, I would leave him, because he sounds like he could be dangerous. The scenarios you described sound a lot like pre abuse scenarios.  

  2. Sounds like most likely personality disorders....which tend to be because of early childhood development...more of a learned disfunction.  There are medications and therapy that can help, but first you have to get him to see that he has a problem and needs the help.  Thats the hard part with personality disorders, they dont usually see they have a problem.

    If he doesnt see he has a problem, be prepared to leave him because it will likely get worse, and could possibly end up abusive(if it isnt already).

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