
Psychologist for son wants to meet with husband ...?

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My son is 5 and during the first couple of visits I have stayed during the session......she only wanted one parent. She tells me 3 times ....I only want your husband to come , dont stay in the waiting room, just stay home. Is there any common reason for this.......I am being helpful and want to be involved in the process son has a wind phobia.




  1. If the psychologist is telling you this, it will be for a good reason, and to help your son through his phobia. So I suggest you take, and don't worry about her advice, it will be for a reason.

  2. I do not trust them when dealing with children, sometimes they can jump to conclusions  .   I would just ask her to tell you point blank what it is that she cannot discuss with you and him at the same time , you are both his parents. It sounds like she thinks you are to blame some how and is going to tell your husband this.

  3. she knows what she is doing

  4. This is strange request. But if you originally took him there -- what is her concern? You are within your rights to ask her (or any DR).

    If you feel uncomfortable, you are also within you rights to get a SECOND opinion -- Doctors are not always right.

    Also look on the internet -- reputable medical sites, WebMD, etc.    

  5. WoW!  She sounds mean how she told you the way she did!

      I've never heard of a Specialist saying something "off the wall" like that, either.

      I have a Nephew who has a water phobia.

    My Sister-In-Law won't take him to see a Dr.

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