
Psychology/body language - interpretation - pros. only please!?

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i need real body language/psychology interpretations, please. thanks!

*ok ive known this girl & i really like her but she gives me mixed me out!

-after meeting her once,i called her and told her i was interested in her,& asked her of she was and said call her every now & then and she would tell me that she liked that i called her because she likes talking to me

-when i went to see her,she would stare into my eyes for a long time& wouldnt blink..

-i gave her a kiss on the cheek when i greeted her that day,& she was always psychically distant with me, until 1 day months later,suddenly she saw me sitting at a cafe,leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek,and sat down to say hi

-while we were friends,i saw her at a club with her bf,a few months before that..i asked her to dance,she was confused & seemed scared to,but she frustrated,said "ok" and grabbed my hand..later that night i sat on the curb outside,and she sat next to me to see if i was ok..




  1. You are getting mixed signals because you are misinterpreting them.  Firstly, I would hop that now she doesn't still have a boyfriend, because if she does, she will most likely remain loyal to him while you keep making overtures to her, and she might be too polite to tell you she really isn't interested in you.  Now, if you are approaching her now and she doesn't have a current boyfriend, that's good.  Her displays of interest and concern for you when you were on the curb or at the cafe, are just 'girlie' polite behaviour.  She probably is concerned for you, but we are talking past history.  If you really want to get to know her better, ring her and ask her to meet you for a cup of coffee at a cafe you like.  Once you start chatting (if she agrees to meet you) things will take a natural course.  If she leans forward while you are speaking, that's good.  If she watches you face and looks at you eyes while you are chatting, that's good.  If she has her feet pointed at you while she speaks to you, that's good.  But if she does the opposite in these actions, that's bad.  Get Allen Pease's book on Body Language.  He has written several and is one of the worlds leading authorities on body language.  Just don't read more into things initially, remain cool, and have that cup of coffee.  Maybe it would lead to a nice date, start slowly and be gently consistent,but just know when to back off as well.  Don't be too 'pushy'.  Hope this helps.

  2. she is playing you. Move on and find an honest woman.

  3. She currently loves her bf. She likes you, you are her friend. She likes to talk to you. Unless she is married, she is probably liek most girl who can: and always have a standby guy, just in case the bf is a dud. Just keep in mind she will do the same with you.

    You don't sound like a dud. You should chase a girl who is wanting, even needing to chase you, too. Be choosy for her only if you KNOW she is a good compassionate woman with a conscience. Then it is good to maintain this close friendship. The best partners are those which you are friends with first.  Good Luck, and remember how deserving you are of someone who wants just you.

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