So Ive been looking around the internet for what I can do to help myself get over my episode of psychosis. I still have some of the side effects of the medication that I am on and these are really a pain. But other than the list below, can anyone else give any more answers
1 Understand psychosis is a medical condition - do not feel you are to blame for it
2 Agree with your doctor on a plan for staying well and stick with it
3 Exercise - half an hour a day helps physical and mental wellbeing
4 Control stress - techniques such as yoga and massage may help
5 Make use of support organisations around the country
6 Avoid illicit drugs and alcohol - attend counselling if necessary
7 Avoid feeling isolated by talking about how you feel
8 Educate those closest to you about psychosis so they can be there for you when you need it - there are early warning signs for psychotic episodes which, if spotted, can allow you to get help and prevent any serious consequences.
What else can I do to help myself?