
Psychosis - What can I do to help myself?

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So Ive been looking around the internet for what I can do to help myself get over my episode of psychosis. I still have some of the side effects of the medication that I am on and these are really a pain. But other than the list below, can anyone else give any more answers

1 Understand psychosis is a medical condition - do not feel you are to blame for it

2 Agree with your doctor on a plan for staying well and stick with it

3 Exercise - half an hour a day helps physical and mental wellbeing

4 Control stress - techniques such as yoga and massage may help

5 Make use of support organisations around the country

6 Avoid illicit drugs and alcohol - attend counselling if necessary

7 Avoid feeling isolated by talking about how you feel

8 Educate those closest to you about psychosis so they can be there for you when you need it - there are early warning signs for psychotic episodes which, if spotted, can allow you to get help and prevent any serious consequences.

What else can I do to help myself?




  1. replace negative thoughts to positive at the same time realistic:)

  2. Old maggot face has his head up his butt. You should use logic and reason. I am schizo and I know that for instance, when I hear voices that come from nowhere they aren't real, and I don't have to listen to them. When I see people and then they disappear when I approach them, they are not real and I don't have to pay attention to them. The paranoia is a little bit harder to ignore, but I just say to myself that if the government has not arrested me over the last ten years they probably are not going to now. If you watch the movie 'A beautiful Mind' John Nash realizes that the little girl he keeps seeing in his hallucinations doesn't ever grow up over the many, many years that he sees her. That is just an example of realization that hallucinations are not real.

    You are right that mentally ill people smoke more than people without these illnesses. I smoke and when I go to the free clinic to get my medicine about 5 to 10 people ask me for a cigarette. It is expensive, but I always pass 'em out because I have a soft spot for them. The poor diet is a concern as well because it not only messes with your bodily functions and long term health, it also messes with your teeth and blood sugar and that can lead to dentures and diabetes. I have heard that 80% of mentally ill people smoke, but I don't know if that is a solid statistic.

  3. Sounds like u got it all down . :-)

    i would also see if with ur doctor's help if u can find out what illness u have psychotic episodes aren't always Schitzoprenic. Extreme mania can also trigger psychosis.

  4. theres nothing you can really do. its amazing isnt it? so many new useless technologies invented but still no cure for this illness? sad to say there isnt anything u can do other then what u mentioned. for now, we hav to suffer through the episodes. and for people saying YOU DONT HAVE TO SUFFER yes we do. unless you have psychosis you have no idea what its like. message me on yahoo at xxslipknotfreak46 or msn at id like to talk to u if u want :)

    Edit = we is right. its not always schizophrenia, severe enough case of bipolar triggers psychosis. my doctors dont know if i have bipolar with psychotic features or if im schizo-affective. either way wouldnt matter, im goign to deal with it :)

  5. I think you've got it all down but if not then you need some serious help.

  6. If the medication you are taking gives you side effects tell your doctor or whoever you see to either put you on something else or maybe you can get medication that prevents side efffects but usually people just change their meds. Also therapy is a good thing for people who suffer from psychosis schizophrenia or even a good friend who listens.

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