
Psychotic husband & won't adhere to separation agreement - 7 yr old child. Need advise.?

by Guest64017  |  earlier

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My MIL is in the middle of a divorce w/her husband. They have a 7 yr old daughter who is a complete daddy's girl b/c he gives her EVERYTHING she wants. No discipline @ all, he undermines her authority in front of her, has called her profane names in the childs presence, etc...The separation agreement states he can occupy the garage (his office - self employed) until 3pm, but he is there until 6, 7, sometimes 10pm. He vents to their daughter about how her mother won't let him in the house and it's all her (mom) fault that he can't stay the night and that this whole thing is going on. He is a complete drunk and spends all his free time at a bar. He talks smack about my MIL's family constantly (and in front of the child) and is a complete As&*(#$! What can she do outside of taking him to court? I'm talking "think outside of the box". I seriously want to make this guys life h**l for doing this to my family! He is a compulsive liar and fills his daughters head w/ lies about her mom's side of the family! Please give me some good advice (other than normal legal stuff).




  1. What do you want to do and how much do you want to part with to put him in his place. There are lots of options

  2. be a positive moral "grown-up" for the little girl. She'll grow up someday and recall how who handled what. It will shape her, the things you do and say now. If you dont want to handle things the "legal" way (EX:Restraining order) and you simply want to make this SOB miserable... well, then you're not really being any "bigger" of a person than he is.

    It sucks to have to wait out life, to see those who seemingly never get what they have comming to them. But it (life) will come back to bite them in the ****!  

  3. Ok, here's what to do.  Since he is a drunk, follow him to the bar and then wait until he leaves.  Then call the police from a cell phone (other than yours) and report a drunk driver, and give them his location.  Say he almost swerved into you or something.  Then they will pull him over and give him a DUI.  Then he will have to spend his evenings in AA meetings instead of ruining that poor little girl.  Not only will you be helping your MIL, but you will also be helping all the innocent people on the street since it won't be a lie!

  4. Report him. That's all you can do with out getting in trouble to.  

  5. I have been through a messy divorce myself and seems to me that all the cards are in his favor right now. How can a agreement be so ridiculouss. seems to me if the relationship is really truly over ,we would be going our separate ways especially when a innocent child is involved. I think if all possible you should at all times have a friend or a family member who is real supportive of you be involved in a case like this. In the court of law you will always, always need proof of harm whether it is physically or mentally especially anything negative towards the child. I would even go as far as taping the negative conversations so that you could always have evidence. Men are very very evil when they know that they are about to loose it all. My husband tried to send me to prison. He falsified a police statement indicating that I tried to kill him, but it did not work, I was devastated, I was the mother of his two children, they will result to anything when the odds aren't in their favor. I do not know if you are a religious person, but I am, I prayed all the time. Men can sometimes result to violence, she's only seven. she will be okay. You need to get a reality check. Is it really over. I am not being mean, I am being real. been there done that!

  6. If there is a separation agreement thru the court then yoru MIL should be able to call the cops if he is not adhearing to the schedule.

    Your friend should divorce this loser & take her daughter to counseling asap!

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