
Puberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Well, I have a balck mom and a white dad so my skin is pretty lightish. I have black hair, so it shows up on my leg. Im also growing b***s- ive been growing since 3rd grade. Im in 5th now. How do i ask my mom for a bra, and ask her how to let me shave. I need help!




  1. say &quot;mom i think it&#039;s time i need a bra. (maybe training bra)&quot; and tell her you&#039;d feel more comfortable wearing one. she should be understanding and agree to that decision. i don&#039;t know about shaving. i think i was in like 6th grade when i started that, but if your hair is dark and you can see a lot of it, just ask her if she can get you your own razor and shaving cream...or borrow hers.

  2. Hi,

        I am exactly like u! You know, your mom should be pretty understanding. Tell your mom you are a growing girl and it&#039;s time for you to move a step forward. I would start with sports bras. Regular ones are super itchy! Tell her that most girls your age do shave once in a while and you would like to try that. Good luck! I just started too. A couple months back this exact thing happened to me. I just went up to her when she was relaxed and happy and let it all out.

  3. Just say &quot;hey mom you need to buy me a bra, please.&quot;  Id wait on the shaving the legs part unless they are super hairy. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. bra should be an easy one just ask her. as far as shaving your legs if no one notices but you then i would wait because it is a pain in the butt to have to shave. but if the other girl are shaving there legs and it makes you feel embarrassed to not shave yours tell your mom how it makes you feel.  but believe me if no one notices or cares about your leg hair, wait.

  5. Understand everything you said.Girl I&#039;m going through the same thing I shaved my legs without my mom&#039;s permisssion never nicked my self.About the bra thing buy it with your allowence if you have one or ask your mom for one.Shaving just tell your mom it is emarrassing and stuff.

    Some tips:)

    1.Never shave dry

    2.Rinse your razor often

  6. You don&#039;t ask you tell your mom that you have b*****s and that for your health and posture it is necessary for your to wear a bra.  As far as shaving, yes you do have to ask, Frankly I suggest using that &quot;veet&quot; hair removal system myself.  No nicks and your legs stay smoother longer.

  7. Just tell her, you may need to start wearing training bras. I&#039;d wait until your 12 or 13 with the shaving thing tho!

  8. just politely tell your mom that you are getting to be a young woman now, and you are a little shy or embarrassed to have them bouncing around and to have fuzzy legs. she will understand, don&#039;t worry so much. it will be fine, just talk to her

  9. Just ask her. She&#039; been there and will understand. :)

    I was your age when I started shaving my legs. If your mom isn&#039;t comfortable letting you have a regular razor, suggest an inexpensive electric one.

    Good luck!

  10. Okay I am speaking as a mom I have a 9year old and she is starting 4th grade. We were doing back to school clothes shopping and she just grabbed a bra and showed me and said I need one of these mom. Ok she is not developing really though, not yet but I think if you just say it then it&#039;s out there.  I think it is great that my daughter felt comfortable asking me for one.  As far as shaving legs, my mom had me shaving my legs by 6th grade, and I have a neice who started shaving her legs at like 10 years old. if you feel you are ready just talk to your mom.  Good luck!

  11. i never told anyone about shaving my legs, or about getting a bra.

    in 4th grade i just wore baggy shirts, since it was awkward then.

    and my grandma bought me a training bra for christmas.

  12. Just say &quot;Mom i think i need a bra next time we go shopping can i get one&quot; and for shaving be like &quot; OMG my legs are so hairy i think im gonna go  shave it. Can I?&quot;

    Good luck

  13. Ok so next time you go to the store, go to the bra section,and tell her &quot; I think I need a bra.&quot; If you wanna shave your legs just ask her and she&#039;ll probably approve because she&#039;s been around long enough to know about how us girls change. You&#039;ll be fine!

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