
Puberty. Why Do Guys Have It Easier.?

by  |  earlier

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seriously. i mean.


grow b*****s

get periods

have pms

have moodswings



acne badly

hair problems

we give birth

we wax

what the heck to they do really

who else thinks girld have it a lot harder




  1. we have:

    hotter bodies

    nicer-looking genitals

    soft skin

    not as much sweat

    not as much body hair

    smaller frames

    more emotional breadth

    better relationships

    the bond created by pregnancy and childbirth

    engagement rings

    men who open doors and pull out chairs

    more variety in our wardrobes


    we can have s*x without a pill even when we're old

    we have know if the baby is ours

    more control over reproduction

    all the power in the romantic relationship

    the list goes on and on and on

    men also have

    hair problems (premature balding?)

    ance (often worse than women)

    don't have the opportunity to carry and deliver their own child

    when the baby gets hurt, she calls out to mommy

    smelly and sweaty genitals

    etc etc etc

    it's a small price to pay for being a woman!

  2. I know, right!


    get b***s

    get periods

    get emotional




    hair to deal with

    shaving legs

    shaving underarms

    wearing bras

    have nails to take care of

    have babies


    bikini shopping

    trying get tan skin


    Guys are so lucky!

  3. i agree

  4. I DO! Ugh I HATE my period and guys think they have it hard because they are horny all of the time. Haha but would you really want a world full of moody women with pms all of the time!

  5. Even though women have it worse than men its still better to be a woman.  Women can have multiple orgasms when guys cam only have 1.  Not to meantion we can control men with our v****a.  How embarrasing would it be to be in class and get a hard on?  Better to be a woman for sure.

  6. they do nothing sweetie. trust me i have been thinking of this a lot lol i hear ya  

  7. We Guys:

    Bigger p***s


    Grow taller

    Grow Muscles

    Horny Ideas


  8. i waz wodering dat too???

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