
Puberty help ?? .......

by  |  earlier

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How do u know when you are starting puberty ??





  1. your body will change, it is obvious

    for guys he will grow hair in armpits and pubes

    girls will start periods b***s will grow and hair will also grow!


  2. u start to get errections aka being horney

    if u m********e *** comes out aka a white liqued

    hair on your p****s and under ur arms and on ur bum h*le

    u start 2 like girls

  3. usually the first few signs are the following

    For a guy

    -wet dreams

    -B.O.(body odor, mainly under the armpits)


    here are some of the later effects

    -pubic hair growth

    -mood swings


    -change of vocals (deeper voice)

    -and growth of the p***s

    For a girl

    -growth of breast

    -hair in pubic areas

    -beggining of period

    NOTE: not everyone experiences puberty at the same time. some experience it early and some experience it later

  4. for boys they usually start by getting pubic hair just above the p***s, the the p***s and s*****m grow

  5. You start to sweet,

    you will start growing hairs under your arms,and in your private places,

    and if your a girl,you will start your periods your b***s will start to grow,

  6. oh you'll know you start noticing things changing your testes will drop and become hairy you'll develop hair on your body you'll start to sweat and smell [so personal hygiene becomes very important] and you'll suddenly realise that your p***s isn't just for peeing through and just what fun you can have with it

  7. For puberty you will know.

    And all of the girls in here this is the mens section not womens. We dont want to know about girls puberty. If we did we would go in womens health.

  8. You'll Know.

    What everyone else said but they forgot a huge thing.Your voice will change!and i know a couple of guys whose voices were changing and they sounded pretty hot so maybe you'll get lucky.(not in a sexual way haha)but in a i don't sound weird way.

  9. u will get erections

  10. Pubes are usually the first thing though some guys see a change in length first.  Wet dreams should obviously be later as it takes a while to get past the ability to produce just precum.  Your voice will begin changing, pit hair, leg hair, and of course a growth spurt.

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