I am 6'4 and wear a size 13 shoe but i think my foot is like a 12' or 12.5' and feel that my feet are too small for my height, will they grow more? Also, i am 16 with body hair but its dark everywhere but on legs and arms, will that darken too? I have to shave every 3 days or so and feel my voice isn't fully deepened because it cracks still on certain pitches (and i don't sound real deep...i think) also, at 6'4 (dad 6'5, mom 5'9, uncle 6'6) could i get taller ? should i get a growth plate x-ray? so many questions about puberty!!!! sorry its just driving me crazy. at 16 are my secondary s*x characteristics done as well? or is it a kinda time will tell thing? 10 pts. for best answer. THANKS