
Public Intermediate School is forcing us to Shell out extra bucks...?

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Ok, so just a few moments ago, i got a letter in the mail telling me that i need to pay $5.00 a month to use the hall lockers.. And that i need to pay $6.00 for gym shorts, 4 Dollars for a shirt, and that i need to buy Specific brand for the lockers in the changing room that cost $40.00 ! On top of all that, All this stuff is mandatory, which means this is what we have to do! School here starts Sept. 8th. What should we do? we pay taxes here in NJ like crazy. Shouldn't all this stuff be free? Do other Middle Schools do this?




  1. i dony no about nj but massachusetts dosent

  2. Most schools have you pay for gym uniforms, and ten bucks isn't too outrageous.  I have never heard of a charge for using the lockers.  I didn't understand what the $40 charge was for, but I never had to pay that much for anything that was mandatory and couldn't be bought elsewhere.  (When I was in school they rented locks to us--they need to have one that they can key into for security reasons).  

    If the money is a problem for your family, talk to your counselor or the principal--there is probably a way around it.  If you have the money but just feel that tax dollars should cover all of this, I'm not going to go on about how things should be (there's a lot that should be different when it comes to education).  Just spend the money.  If you believe strongly about it, then get political and tell your local government or school board what you think of the policy.

  3. here in california, we pay taxes, our lotto gives money to our schools,

    i had to pay for school tshirt/shorts for PE. We have no lockers in schools anymore except our PE and they have to supply their own locks but lockers are free. The kids here have to haul everything they own around on their backs in backpack that weigh a million pounds. You are lucky to be able to have lockers.

  4. When I was in middle school we brought our own locks and clothes to change into for gym. No fees for that type of thing. We did have to pay for a school calendar and a few other booklets, but those were never more than a couple of dollars. In my high school there are only a limited amount of lockers in the hallway, and you only get one if you have a disability that enables you from carrying your stuff around from class to class. You don't need to pay to keep things in the locker rooms in the gym, but locks are not provided so you need to bring your own. I'm from WA and as far as I know, none of the nearby schools require that everybody wear the same shirt and shorts for Phys ed. I don't know what the norm is in your area, but if your school has enough lockers for everyone then I agree with you, they should be free. It's also crazy that they specify the type of lock. If I were you I'd simply carry my stuff with me.

  5. They started the same thing in Indiana plus we have book rentals.  It is their way of covering the school deficit.  If you have problems, maybe they will let you make small weekly payments like they do here.  Yes, it doesn't seem right but I guess it is better than raising the taxes.(They usually land up taking an excess then.)

    PS  They do that in all the grades here and send a list home of supplies that you HAVE to have and for the teacher.

  6. Thats crazy. i would have told u to report this to the government but its no use.if ur in ur last class hurry up and get the h**l outta there but if not and if u dont have the cash and u have like three years to go,get a transcript(if u can lay hands on any and leave the school)If u cant do any of this PRAAAAY $ God to have mercy on u and stop all this.GOOD LUCK cos u would really need it.

  7. I paid $60 just to get my timetable and agenda. $50 for two gym shirts and one shorts. So I guess yours isn't that bad.

  8. Thats it? In middle school we had like 70 dollars in fees before we could even start. High school was 100 dollars in fees. I'm glad to be out of h**l (school) I finally graduated

  9. Yes to your last question:  Do other Middle Schools do this?

    And High School too.  I am not in NJ but this is true in my state.

  10. Yes other middle schools do this. The school district my child goes to spends more than $13,000 per student and of course taxes accordingly. She is still required to pay for a lock and gym clothes.

    It doesn't sound like you can't afford it, just are surprised that it is done. If you can't afford it, talk to the principal because public schools are required to aid students who need it.

    Just wait until you go to college and where they charge you for required books, student activities fees, campus beautification fees and whatever else they think they can get away with. :)

  11. middle schools here in NC don't do that.

    take it to the school board and find out why the parents have to buy all these things and why it must be this specific one.

    and don't except the reason that if it's different than everyone else's in the class then they will get picked on.

  12. get a petition started with all th children and parents in the school and write a letter about how you already pay taxes to give them  money and that they should NOT charge you like that.

  13. My high school never made us pay for using lockers or for buying special gym clothes... but our school and property taxes are also high in PA.

  14. Well im in high school, but we dont have to pay for that.

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