
Public School kindergarten

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What do children learn in a 1/2 day of public school kindergarten? In Pennsylvania really.




  1. i don't know about pennsylvania, but here in tennessee, my daughter learned everything plus more.  they do 1/2 days because of a 5 year old's attention span.  about 20 minutes on each subject,  great method.  my daughter is going to 1st grade this year and she is reading at a 2nd grade level and doing math at the same level.  we found that at home its best to spend no more than 10 minutes on each homework assignment and it really works!!!

  2. Learn to count


    Sight words (is,and, the)

    Adding and subtracting

    Telling time on the hour

    Recognize coins

    About certain famous people (Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, George Washington, Abraham Lincon, Johnny Appleseed)

    About the holidays that occur during the school year

    Our countries symbols: flag, Bell, statue of liberty

    Which number is bigger/smaller

    Sharing, friendship,cooperation

  3. 1. Count

    2. ABC's

    3. Write their name

    4. Get along

    5. Share

    6. Socail Skills

    7. Basic Math

    8. Handwritting

    9. Wait their turn

  4. They learn all of the good things that are posted. BUT they also learn all of the other students bad habits, language, ect. And if you get a teacher that is just there for the pay check your child could actually fall behind even if they attend everyday. They can be bullied if they aren't in the click. Most half day programs at least back when our district still had one you have to pick up from or drive your child to school. They only had bussing one way.  So everything has a good side and a bad. Educating our children is one of the most important things we have to do as a parent. Remember if you aren't ready or your child isn't ready children in PA don't have to legally attend school until they are 8. I homeschool my children now. After 6 years and three children being completely miserable in the public school system I knew I had to do something.  

  5. To add to AnimalLu list the child also learns:


    Arts and Crafts


    Culture (classmates or other people they may come in contact with)

    The environment

    Physical fitness


    They learn how to use large and small motor skills

    Some kindergarten teachers give homework

    Identifying (objects and words)

    Hands on learning and the list goes on...........

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