
Public School v. Private School

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What makes private school better than public school? Are some differences between going to a private high schooll and a public high school?




  1. I went to a private school and i loved it. The class sizes were small so we got individual attention which really helped coming up to the exams. I had to wear a uniform and they were quite strict about it but it gave me a sense of community and helped to create a friendly atmosphere in the school. I think it really depends on the person though because i have friends who hated private school and would have preferred public school. I think its important that you think about what best suits you.  

  2. YES!

    Often times-

    The students get more attention

    There is a smaller teacher/student ratio

    There is typically more structure

    I went to a private school from 6th-9th grade

    We wore uniforms (less problems with kids getting made fun of)

    It was a christian school- we had chapel on tuesdays/thursdays

    I HATED the transfer to a public school....the kids were meaner, and the teachers did not do as much to stop other kids from being mean.

    In my experience- the teachers at the private schools always cared a whole lot more about me. I am still in touch with 6 of my teachers from my private school, and I am not in contact with ANYONE from the public school I went to.

    Private school is expensive, yes...but well worth the education. I wish my family had not been moved, because I truly hated going to a public high school!

    public schools- are controlled by the government. Teachers all the time said "we don't have enough funding for such and such" I hated that...

    private schools- our teachers always told us "you better study and pay attention, because your parents are paying a lot for your education....because they love you very much"....

    Best of luck with your decision/ research  

  3. I don't think there is MUCH of a differene..

    Public: Wear what you want, normal education, the usual

    Private: Usually uniforms, high standard education ( not much about public ) and in a word..fancy??

  4. I go to public school and its great. I've never been to private school so i can't really say which is better but a girl from my school used to go to private school and shes not exactly the cleverest......

  5. I couldn't tell you much since I went to a public high school, but some of my friends go to private and what I've learned:

    1. Public will have more students than Private.

    ---That can be good and bad

            GOOD: You can meet more people, and make more friends

            BAD: You don't get the best learning opportunity because there

                     are more students, and not enough teachers.

    2. Some Private schools have uniforms. I'm not saying that Public don't, but you mostly find uniforms at Private.

    3. Private schools cost a lot more, but in most cases you're getting more for your money because class sizes are smaller!

    4. Some private schools are often split up into 'girls' and 'boys', and it can be hard finding the 'significant other'.

    5. Public schools are free, but you're parents pay taxes, etc.

    Thats pretty much it, or as much as I really know

  6. i agree with kara

  7. Ughhh I would HATE to be in a private school. You'd have to wear the same thing for every day of the year and you can't say the word h**l. You'll get detention.

    Public school is great because you could wear almost anything you want and have great friends not nuns.

    I would first go to a public school that way you don't come into public school from being in a private one all your life and go, "WAA these people are meanies!!" and cry..

  8. i don tknow how to answer your question but all i can say is that private schools suck

  9. either is fine...private schools are usually religious though

  10. I'm nearly 16 and I currently attend a private school. Up until I was 11 I went to a public school. I have found both schools to be good in different ways, but it totally depends on the school.

    At a private school I have to wear a uniform and they are very strict about it. No make up, jewelry, hair must be tied up kind of rules. At my old school I didn't have a uniform which i really miss. It is also a Catholic school which means there is mass, which isn't that great as I am not religious. My school is also single s*x and compared to the public school my friend and my sister goes to it is WAY, WAY, WAY more strict, but I don't even realise it is until she mentions things happening at her school, that I know would never in a million years happen at my school. But when I compare the education I am getting at my school to their school I can definitely see it is superior. But my friends who go to that public school all say they love every aspect of it and I don't really like much about the school I go to at all. I go to a relatively small school which only has 800 students, so I also feel like I know the teachers and they know me a lot better than I would if it was a public school.

    My sister is changing from that public school to a private school next year, that is TOTALLY different to the one I go to. It is really, really expensive and it's meant to be like a university not like a high school. You don't have a uniform, it is not single s*x and you only have to be on school grounds when you have a class. Your timetable is arranged like one at university too, so sometimes you finish school at 1 and sometimes at 5. It is not religious and while the education is way superior to most schools, it also has a very laid back feel to it.

    Overall it really does totally depend on the school, but from my personal opinion and experiences I prefer private school to public school, but not every aspect of it.

    EDIT: Umm yes ✩♥ツ♥✩, even at my really strict private school you can say h**l without getting a detention. My friend says "f--k" all the time, and my teacher is like "pardon?" and she just goes "sorry I mean s--t" and he is like "well that's a bit better, at least you are trying". She doesn't get detentions.

  11. I have been in private school all my life but next year, i'll be starting public school 4 the first time. Private school is a better quality education. ( I have watched my mom, a public school teacher and have gone through her material) The fight level is much lower than public school, but I wouldn't base people off of what school they go to. Just because you go to private school doesn't mean your a good person. The main difference of public school and private school is the $$$! Other differences:

    different material (books, supplies)


    accreditation hint- public school is more than likely accredited than private school.

    Private schools may have uniforms although the one I go to does not

    Different class size

    Hope this helps!

  12. Eh. Private school usually has high standards and you have to pay.  

  13. pubic skool gives u more freedom.

  14. Where I live the public schools are just as good as, if not better than the private schools in the area. The difference is that the private schools are Catholic schools and include religion as part of their curriculum

  15. there isnt really that big a difference. private schools are less expensive and have dress codes. they also have smaller classes. they might have less crime and drugs, but thats a might. the students are about the same.

  16. well i have gone to both, i personally like public a lot better, they are cheaper one, and two there is a wider variety of people.

  17. Private schools have smaller classes, which is a plus for students that need more one on one from teachers.  Rules are also much more strict. That's something that parents like.  I think that private schools just shelter kids that can't make it in public schools, when public schools are what prepares kids for the REAL world.

  18. private schools are usually more selective and don't have state funding so they don't have to take the retarded state achievement exams and can deny peoples application if they aren't smart enough or if they have a criminal record

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