
Public School vs. Home School?

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I would like to know why the parents of public school kids think that kids who are homeschooled are on the road to doom and destruction? Do you think homeschooled kids aren't smart enough? aren't social enough? are homeschooled kids not as good as public school kids? Is it religion? Is it jealousy?




  1. Over the last 160 years, the American pubic has bought into the idea that the public school system is a good and necessary "Public Good," and they've been convinced that the public school teacher is better qualified to teach their children than parents themselves. The "education establishment" has indoctrinated us into believing that our public school system provides all sorts of benefits that the research data just doesn't support, like "socialization."

    And so, like dutiful lemmings, they send their children off to sit in a box for 5-6 hours every day reading textbooks about what the world is like outside of the box. While sitting in the box, the education establishment reproduces the indoctrination that "school is good" and "everyone must go to school," along with "a good education will keep poor kids out of prison and off of the welfare roles" and "public education benefits everyone economically."

    Since the last thing the public schools would ever think of teaching is critical thinking (mostly because very few educrats and public school teachers have a clue how to do it themselves), the school children who become parents lack the reasoning skills necessary to examine and verify or falsify the underlying premises of public education. Instead they simply repeat what they were taught by rote as though it were scriptural wisdom from on high, reinforce it and pass it on to the next generation without questioning it.

    When they hear the word "homeschool" their unconscious programming kicks in and they immediately imagine what they think homeschool is. They rarely question these assumptions, which are based on nothing, and when they do, it is usually discussions with other people that are equally clueless -- other public school parents or  --gasp -- public school teachers. When confronted with contrary information from reliable sources that contradicts their preconceptions, this information is often rejected in favor of the comfortable preconception, because it is too much work to actually think about alternative educational models.

    Buzz words like "accountability" and catch phrases like "highly qualified teacher" slip into the vocabulary. Accountable to whom? Public school accountability programs are nothing more than a way to siphon off the schools resources in an attempt to make the school do what it was intended to do but isn't. What makes a teacher "highly qualified" or "licensed?" They wen't to college and they passed a test. Nevermind the fact that the average teacher has an IQ of 91 while the average homemaker has an IQ of 114, you've got to have that piece of paper or the child won't learn anything. Licensure programs were created because too many public school teachers weren't qualified to do their jobs and weren't getting the job done. So we created a bar to entry to the field that in turn creates a teacher shortage. People who can pass the the entry bar will go to jobs that pay better or have less stress. Meanwhile people who are passionate about teaching, know their subject matter, and have innate talent to teach are kept from the classroom because they don't do well on multiple choice tests or don't have the financial resources to complete a college degree.

    Its the same sort of resistence that Galileo got when he proved the Earth wasn't the center of the universe, or when folks were told the Earth wasn't flat.

  2. I have seen it from both sides. I had children in the public school for about 4 years ( daughter k-3). I found a lot of the time spent in the public school was wasted with things that should have been used on their education. I also would like to say this to. Ihome schooled both of my children from 2nd grade and 4th grade all the way through 12th grade.Both my children were involoved in out  side the home activities and also I would have them meet up with other home schooled children. I took my children to visit eldery people as well as young people. My children learned to socialize with children from the age of 1 day old to the elderly. I find it to be that the public school students are stiffled in their social skills due to the fact that they are stuck in a group of children all around the same age as they are. I would say to some one who would ask this of me , " Where in the world do you work where every one is the same age as yourself including the boss and owners of the business?" You see with the children home schooled they are given an opportunity to be around people of all ages. I also would like to say this  that in home school the student gets one on one teaching so that the student can excel in their studies. When my son was in school ( yes, I did figure this out ) He receieved approximately 5 minutes of undivided educational time for himself.  I also had a chance to show a child who was in the public school how home schooling worked. That child was not able to do all that my students at home could do. I think that there is a mentality that only public school can educate but that is just a myth. Ihope I have helped a bit.

  3. I do love homeschooling concept even though I sent my kids to public school.  I do not homeschooling them since I am slow in math and science. My oldest daughter is smarter than me on math and science. that's why I decided not to homeschooling them. LoL. Lucky you Moms who can homeschooling your kids.

    Parents who are not agree with homeschooling are parents who are not understand the concept of homeschooling. People like to judge easier if they didn't know exactly the concept.

  4. Why is it then that, despite being challenged by the courts to provide tangible evidence that 'qualified teachers' are any better at teaching than homeschooling parents, a number of States have to date "failed to provide", in the words of the courts, "a scintilla of evidence".

    Why are some public school parents anti-homeschooling?'ve only got to take the briefest of peeks at many of their posts here to realise many of them may have opinions but not necessarily have the reliable or valid knowledge of home education necessary to inform those opinions.

    Other than that, teachers here have previously stated that they feel threatened by successful homeschooling parents...and at least one public school parent posted that their problem is that they believe parents like mine who homeschool are giving us an unfair advantage over kids like their's who do attend school!

  5. its not about education at all. i thikn in school you have more pressure put on you to get things done with homework and tests that have to be taken in 50 min or you fail, its that kind of pressure thats gets you prepared for the real world. and, as you say "home schooled kids are not as good as public school kids" thats dumb who would think that. and why would anyone be jealous.

    I go to school and i love school (for the most part) and im not jealous of home schooled kids. Some of my friends are home schooled. and for some kids its just better for there personality type. It all depends on who you are.

    Oh ya and for all you people who are making fun of public school........... not cool

  6. I've been to public schools, a charter school (independent studies), a continuation school, and I've been home schooled. Public school parents often live by the false assumption that the government, or set ways, are best. They believe home schooled students are unable to learn the same things that public school students can.  Home schooled kids are often no very social. They spend most of their time at home not interacting with others, however tests have shown that their test scores are a bit higher than public school students.There is no actual way to prove that home schooled kids are not as "good as public school kids." Yes, religion is a factor of why some parents choose to home school. But mainly parents choose to home school for family purposes and protection.They believe that pubic schools will harm their child. Jealousy?  I doubt it.

  7. I think it's the other way around.

    Public school shouldn't even be considered school as far as I'm concerned. I know 3rd graders in public school who can't read. 5th and 6th graders who can't tell time or do multiplication.

    The "socialization" that happens at public schools is scary. Kids tormenting and bullying other kids, gossip, ganging up on each other, calling each other names, leaving kids out if they don't have the coolest clothes---is this really socialization?

    I remember touring a public school once. The kindergartners were lined up and walking down the hall chanting "No guns at school!"

    The boys down the street from me are in 4th grade and go to public school. A few months ago they were across the street playing basketball and discussing which high school girls had the best b***s.

    THIS is why I would never go to or send my own kids to public school. It's not school--it's scary.

    To quote Trinity from above: "Parents who home school are usually not certified teachers who are licsened in every subject therefore highly qualified teachers."

    That's great. So even parents are not smart enough to teach their OWN children these days? So instead we should send them to a school where they will get lost in the shuffle and be lucky if they learn the basics by 5th grade?

  8. I think it's good to get them educated as it is the law.  But at public schools you have the other kid's talking them down, and their self esteem can get bad.  But when there not around that they can't be used to it either so when they get in the real world it will be harder.

  9. The wife of my wife's boss home schools her nine kids...the family is very religious...

    Most of them have turned into monsters. One was stealing money out of the parents bank account, others yell at their parents...they are constantly fighting amongst each other.

    I think they need more social interaction outside of the home so they can see what's socially acceptable and what's not. Part of it is the parents fault for not keeping tighter control of them and punishing them when they do something that is not acceptable.

  10. I wonder why when they see a child that is homeschooled, ANY problem that child has the cuase has to be because he is homeschooled. When I see a kid acting out, arguing with his parents or stealing, I don't think to myself 'geesh, that is because he goes to public school'

  11. I think the answers show clearly that the parents who think homeschooling is a bad choice really don't know what they are talking about. It's pure ignorance and lack of understanding, not only about homeschooling itself but about psychology and how people develop.

  12. I agree.  I'm tired of seeing these comments too.  I don't go around saying that public school kids are robotic and stupid (nor would I); why do I have to come on here, with the intention of finding information and providing advice where I'm able, to hear (from someone that's never met him or me) that my child will be stupid, ignorant, and unable to cope with life?   The stereotypes are not only ignorant (and ludicrous), they're extremely annoying.

    I personally don't think public or private education is bad.  I think it can be very good.  It's just not right for my son, for various reasons, so we homeschool.  Why is that bad?

    Educational choice is just's a choice.  Why is it that people are up for choices on everything else these days, but choosing to educate your child somewhere other than a government institution that may or may not meet their needs is just unthinkable?  We can choose our neighborhoods, our churches (or lack of), our professions, our friends, our spouses, our interests...heck, the choice of whether to have a child or kill it before it's born is held as an almost essential right in America (and other places).  But choose an alternate form of education for your child, according to their needs?  Oh, the horror.

    Trinity...your answer doesn't even make sense.  Logically, grammatically, it just doesn't make sense.  Why would I want you to teach my child?  Is this an example of "highly qualified"?  No thanks.

  13. Maybe it is because they display such hostility like you are in the way you worded your question.

    Public School vs. Home School? ----Public School

    Are home schooled are on the road to doom and destruction?---They are not on there way to doom and destruction but they do miss out on a lot as far as socializing and developing their own identity goes.

    Do you think home schooled kids aren't smart enough? ----

    Sure they are smart if the parents or teachers know what they are doing.

    Aren't social enough? ---I personally believe that they are not social enough but that is my opinion.

    Are home schooled kids not as good as public school kids?---Some of them turn out fine it just depends on what they have been learning.  

    Is it religion?---Well since you brought it my experience home schooling a child to keep them away from those of other religions is rather prejudice. How is your child supposed to be successful in the future working with people of other faiths and nationalities if he or she has not been exposed? If they harbor this I am better than you because I am a Christian, Islamic, or what have you attitude.  

    Is it jealousy? ---h**l no. I was educated in both a public and a private school. The private school was like being in h**l 24/7. I graduated from what was considered a "bad" high school and have gone on to be very successful in college and beyond. I'm d**n proud of my education and am not ashamed to say so.

  14. It's been established by college studies that the average and typical homeschooler are 2-3 grade ahead of public schoolers and 1-2 grade ahead of private schoolers.

    Now, not everyone succeeds in either homeschool nor public school.

    In the Los Angeles Unified School District only 10% of the kids are getting 85% or above while 40% are getting 40 to 65% and 50% are 30% or below.

    That's a failure rate of over 60%  Over 60% are doing D work or below.  The average child is below the Stanine on the Stanford Test.

    In New York State three years ago they almost threw out the Math Regents exam because next to no one passed it.

    But you see, you heard about these facts from PH D who have been professional teachers for 31 years, because they want to secure their jobs not teach your kids.

    If they wanted to teach your kids the level of success would be more like 60% instead of less than 40%.

    Go watch the 20/20 program STUPID IN AMERICA

    One of the reasons suspected for the failure to learn is that there is TOO MUCH SOCILIZATION in schools and THAT is NOT why you are there.

    Hence experiments with sexually segregated schools are showing a marked improvement, especially among girls who now spend less time fliriting with boys and more time paying attention in class.

    If you're flirting, kissing in the halls, planing a beer bong party, texting, sidekicking when do you have time to pay attention in class!

    There is one hour of socilization time and it's called LUNCH and the rest of the time is EDUCATION and anyone who says otherwises is CONTRIBUTING to these 60% LOSER scores.

    This is why homeschooling is more likely to turn out a brain.  The typical homeschooler is college ready by 17 or even16 and some go to college at that age.

    The unmotivated s***w off student will not do well in homeschool, nor will they do well in public schools but in public schools they will SUBLIMINALLY retain something they heard the teacher say in the class.

    That is about the only advtange the "sweat hogs" will get out of a public school education vs homeschooling.

    Finally, most people homeschool with accredit programs designed by educators  A Beka, Penn Foster, etc., etc., etc.

    Mommy and daddy don't teach you Geometry, Penn Foster does.

    Once again you see the dullard PH D 31 years as a teacher menality and they fail to remind you is the AVERAGE teacher has only a BA degree.

    Parents don't teach kids the advanced stuff.  It's school in a box and virtual schools that do this.

    Parents know they don't know the first thing about Caculus.

    But they know if their kid is to go to college they better learn this.

    So you rely on A Becka, ACE and all the others to do the teaching for you.

    You can see from the answers here how much BIAS is really out there and how little anyone knows about the current state of Education in America which is a joke.

    Japanese people die to send their kids to American Universities but ask to go home when they small children are of school age because THEY DON'T EVEN WANT THEM IN A MONTESSORI SCHOOL, let alone a public school in America.

  15. I wish it didn't have to be a "vs." all the time.  

    Some kids just don't fit in the square box of ps and frankly there are families that shouldn't be homeschooling.   Neither option are for everyone.

    We started out hs'ing because our kids didn't fit into the square hole and we stay hs'ing because we LOVE the lifestyle!    If anyone thinks my kids aren't social enough I dare them to come visit for a day  LOL  

    However, my neighbour was thinking about hs'ing and I almost begged her not to.   There is no discipline in the house now - I cannot imagine her trying to get those kids to learn anything.  Yipes.  They are much better off having a "professional" teach them.

    The thing that gets me is when teachers think they are better at teaching my kids then I am.   When they've got 25-30 kids in a class it's tough to try to help everyone on all ends of the spectrum.   There are some that care and try hard and God bless them!   There are others that are just egotistical and arrogant and they are the ones that annoy me to no end.

  16. Parents who home school are usually not certified teachers who are licsened in every subject therefore highly qualified teachers. If you think you can be a teacher simply by declaring yourself one, why not declare yourself to be a doctor and practice medicine too. Or, perhaps practice law without a degree as well. There is no end to what you can be! Who needs a college degree anyway? Kids got a bad tooth, just get out the drill and plyers and save the money by doing it yourself. To tell you the truth, we, as teacher wish some of our kids were home schooled so we don't have to put up with them... Home school was a good idea in the old west days, but send your kids to school and let the pros educate them.

  17. i personally dont think it has so much to do with the education. a home schooler can get the same education as a public school kid. i think its more about the lessons learned in a public school, especially high school. i think one of the biggest lessons learned in high school is just how to get along with people and how to make it in society. home school kids dont get that lesson. thats just my 2 cents though.

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