
Public Service Announcement!?

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Why can't they put a public awareness anouncment on T.V. about cars making left hand turns in front of motorcyclists. You want to cut down on motorcycle accedents, start there!

I wish I had a nickel for everytime car drivers have done this; happened to me twice!!!!!!




  1. I can certainly understand your concern. It's a good idea, but it probably wouldn't work. People would just blow it off and continue to think they can easily beat the oncoming traffic, whether it's a bike or a semi. The public service messages always seem to be only "for the other drivers."

    They've done that with railroad crossings - trying to get people to stop driving in front of trains. But they still do it.

    I've never ridden a motorcycle (well, not regularly, anyway), but I can imagine approaching a car ready to make a left turn is one of the most frightening experiences a rider can have.

  2. Spend nothing and send an e-mail to and make your suggestion.

  3. There are a lot of idiots running loose in the general population.  Unfortunately, they pass the exam and are allowed to get driver's licenses.  You can only be careful of your own driving.  Odds are, someday you'll be in an accident.  I'd rather be in a car than on a bike if someone were to hit me.

  4. Rode many bikes for many years and nothing has changed for the past 40 years, brain-dead drivers.........

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