
Public Speaking and College?

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I've had a longstanding problem with public speaking throughout my life. Through all of high school I was able to skirt by without doing any, and even my first year of college (though getting called on in class was more frequent and terrifying). I'm now going into my second year at college and my nerves are completely shot already. I've been told I have what's known as "social anxiety disorder" which essentially means that I get anxious over lots of ordinary situations that people usually don't get nervous about.

I'm not really sure what to do anymore regarding this particular fear. If left to my own devices, I would sooner drop a class, even one I really enjoy, than give a presentation in it. Like I said, miraculously, I was able to get through an entire year in college without having to give a single presentation. This year I feel like I might not be so lucky. But I know that I can't go on skimping around the problem without any help.

Facing the problem head on and just giving some sort of speech....seems impossible. I'm not really sure how to convey just how terrifying it really is. Some people will say "oh yeah, I'm scared too, but I'm just gonna do it and then it'll be over." For me it's more like "Okay, I could stab myself in the stomach with a rusty paring knife and I don't think they would make me present..."

What do you think I should do? Talk to my teachers and tell them the problem to see that if I do need to give any presentations, could I possibly do it in their office to just them? Is that asking for too much special treatment? Should I go see a psychiatrist and ask to be put on medication that would stop all this anxiety?

Thanks in advance for your help.




  1. tell me about it,its like ur traped in d room wit no way ouy,ur heart starts thumping nd all ur tinkin is i cant wait til this class ends.nd its even worse wen ur called on,u hyperventilate nd ur voice goes all sucks.i think it is panic attacks.d only way i can tnk off is breath in through ur nose nd out through ur mouth.then dont speak fast wen ur called on

  2. A psychiatrist might put you on anti-anxiety medication, but that isn't going to get rid of the problem.  Your fear will still be there.  Does your school have a student health service, and if so do they have mental health counselors?  This is the type of phobia that talk therapy can treat, either instead of drugs or in conjunction with drugs.  At least in talk therapy, it can be just you and your counselor.

    I'm sure you've heard about groups like Toastmasters, which is all about learning to speak in public.  If you can visit a group in your area, why don't you go observe a couple of meetings?  You don't have to talk.  You don't even have to join.  Just watch.  If you're going to do counseling with a therapist, mention Toastmasters and see if they want you to observe or if they prefer you wait a while.

    There are a lot of people who don't understand how crippling fear of speaking can be, and those people can be incredibly cruel.  But you know what?  You've recognized the problem and know that you need help to conquer it.  That's a darned good step already.  Those mean people who just don't get it - that's okay.  They have their own crosses to bear.  If they can belittle you, their own shortcomings don't loom quite so large.  So just remember that you can ignore their judgments, because they're afraid of something, too.

    There ARE treatments for phobias.  You CAN make progress.  It's all a matter of finding the right person to talk to for now.

    Good luck.

  3. Doctor? No

    Disorder? No

    This is a common thing for young adults to have fear when giving presentations in front of their peers. In our society today the youth have had the Internet,Cell phones to communicate with and spend less tome conversing in public. Not everyone can become and eloquent

    speaker and your professors understand this. It is the substance and the knowledge that you have of the subject that is important. Some suggestions that I can give to you may assist you however you have to be willing to implement them.

    Rehearse alone in front of the mirror

    Video Camera works wonders

    Then move onto a small group of family or friends

    Then your confidants will improve

    Remember this if nothing, you will not be the only one on the stage.

    Good Luck!

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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