
Public liability claims, boring but what to do ?

by Guest62778  |  earlier

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Hi Folks,

About a year ago, I was mown over by an errant driver on the path. No serious bodily damage, as I leapt over the bonnet & up the windscreen at the last moment.

Oh, torn jeans etc as I arrived upside-down on the pavement, but today have received a settlement offer of a lousy £300 from the Motor Insurance Beuraux.

Should I just take it and call it a day, as all the wounds have healed, or fiddle on with a higher claim ?





  1. would you do it again for £300 ?   i don t think so...   sue them for £5000...  their trying  it on themselves   you can claim upto 3 years for accident...

  2. Contact the companies who advertise on TV who will represent you if the accident was not your fault, they will advise you on your contact with them if they consider they can get more compensation for you.

  3. If you didn't report the matter to your doctor and report any injuries - take the money and run.

    If you pursue a higher claim they may investigate it and ask for medical reports - when you can't get them - you'll lose the lot.

  4. Well the money isn't great. It depends, do you have medical bills from treatment after the accident? If so you should have them covered and get compensation on top of that.  If you turn this down, you might get nothing and the only way they are going to give more is if you go to court...but that's going to cost you a lot of money in legal fees! It was a year ago, so a court might just think your trying to milk this for all its worth. If this is gonna nag at you forever, bring it further. If not, consider is it worth your time going through the courts? Best of luck with whatever decision you make!

  5. Unless you continue to have any physical problems that can be attributed to the accident I suggest you take the money and run. I could not see you getting any more otherwise.!

  6. i know its tempting to try and get more, but a lot of peoples compensation comes from loss of earnings, serious injuries etc. if you had no injuries then i think your lucky to get £300. call it a day.

  7. This is my US answer - If you did not even treat, and just sustained some minor wounds/scratches, the offer is more than adequate.  If the medical expenses were not included, and you lost some time from work, then you could negotiate up.  It is a first offer, most adjusters have a "range" to settle within after evaluating the claim.  However, keep in mind you need to prove why you think your claim is worth more.

  8. If this is their first offer I would refuse it, they are obviously accepting liability. £300 sounds very low, think of what you might consider acceptable add 20-30% tell them thats what you would accept, hopefully they should come back with an offer nearer your figure. Don't be greedy - not that you come over as greedy.

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