Christain preschool or city preshcool?
I'm in a real pickle. I want to enroll my son in preschool. The preschool affiliated with the city shcools where I live don't seem to be real productive. I've heard rave reviews about the preschool at the Christian Academy where I live, parents I've spoken to have been very impressed with their childrens' progress and education. I want the best education for my child, so I am considering enrolling him here. The problem is that being agnostic, I want to raise him to be a free thinker and choose his own beliefs. How do I deal with questions from him about praying at school and the bible and god when I don't believe? I don't want him to feel that he has to believe these things that they are teaching him about god, after all, he is there for an education. I know this is a tricky situation but i'm willing to put aside my beliefs (or lack thereof) to benefit his learning. Any opinions?