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Well to say I have been in private school for one whole grade and I hated it. There were to many rules which were really not appropriate. In Private school We had to wear a certain color shoe which was blue if you had some black on it you would get detention. Whether in Public school you can wear any. In private school the education was to be learned at one standard, but in Public school they teach you at a level you can understand
Ok Private School IDK i have been to it when i was 8-9 and i hated it it is a night school were you have to have your pants, shirt and shoes the same color or you will be automanic detention. All at the kids sceam at you!!! I have been in detention every single day i go to it. It have been from March 7 2010 to Janurary 5 2011. Then I have got beaten up already. I had to go to the hospital because of the lungs stopped working hopefully my lungs started working again then I surived.
Homeschool is when I was 0-3 I just learned nothing it was so easy started in December 12 2001 and ended in May 10 2004 that was one of my happiest years in my life!!!
I love public school! Mine is the best school in my state!!!!!!! I love it! Im popular there i went from September 21 2004 to PRESENT Im so happy about it!!!!!!!!!!!
I choose Public Schools as the best!!!!!!!1
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