
Public school or Private school?

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Well to say I have been in private school for one whole grade and I hated it. There were to many rules which were really not appropriate. In Private school We had to wear a certain color shoe which was blue if you had some black on it you would get detention. Whether in Public school you can wear any. In private school the education was to be learned at one standard, but in Public school they teach you at a level you can understand




  1. Guest226

    Ok Private School IDK i have been to it when i was 8-9 and i hated it it is a night school were you have to have your pants, shirt and shoes the same color or you will be automanic detention. All at the kids sceam at you!!! I have been in detention every single day i go to it. It have been from March 7 2010 to Janurary 5 2011. Then I have got beaten up already. I had to go to the hospital because of the lungs stopped working hopefully my lungs started working again then I surived.

    Homeschool is when I was 0-3 I just learned nothing it was so easy started in December 12 2001 and ended in May 10 2004 that was one of my happiest years in my life!!!

    I love public school! Mine is the best school in my state!!!!!!! I love it! Im popular there i went from September 21 2004 to PRESENT Im so happy about it!!!!!!!!!!!

    I choose Public Schools as the best!!!!!!!1

  2. You are so wrong about being taught at your level in public schools. The only concern of public schools is funding! The way they get that is by the standardized testing. So what's taught? The test not much else. They teach it to the smartest kids in the class and hope that theirs enough kids who get it and can carry the class to passing scores on the test.

    OK so private schools have a strict dress code ever think that it's for your good? Here our public school kids are in uniforms now and a lot of the kids who are old enough to remember going to school without uniforms like the uniform better. Why? They don't have to worry about the brands they are wearing or if the shorts are too short or if they wear this color will they get beat up because the color "belongs" to a certain gang.

    Have you ever thought of home school? That is an education at your level. You get all the stuff you have to have and anything else you want in an education. Look into it you'd be surprised

  3. I really think it doesn't matter whether you are educated in public or private school. If a person wants to learn, public schools are as effective as a private plus you will save lot of money going to public school. It is myth when people say, you pick up more manners and education in private school.

  4. How about homeschool?

    Public school has a strict dress code and much lower learning standards so you are not getting as good an education, but still having to follow the ridiculous rules.

    Homeschool allows you the freedom to learn as fast or slow as you need/want and to go on field trips, be involved with your community, do in depth experiemtns/learning of the things that you love, be close to your family and has no rules-you can do your work in pj's if you want!

  5. who cares what u have to wear, or how many rules, private school is the best.  You can learn on your own level and there is not so much goin on like drugs, shootings, or teen pregnancy. I am a  proud supporter of private school

  6. private is the best!!

  7. Private is so much better i hated public school and ours was the one of the top ten in the state

  8. First of all, you are only comparing the ONE private school you went to and your personal experience with public school. Your experience is not how all private schools are and is not how all public schools are.

    We have some public schools here with formal dress codes: navy or black pants, a white shirt and black shoes. So your idea that at public school you can wear whatever you want isn't always correct. Furthermore, the public schools here do NOT usually teach you at a level you can understand--it's one level, perhaps an easier level (which is why you thought it was a standard you could understand; perhaps your private school was just too challenging for you or you weren't willing to work hard enough to get to that level), and those who are bright suffer because they end up bored and you still have kids who lag behind. (I say this as a former public school teacher, married to a public school teacher.) Most parents expect private schools to hold to a higher standard than public schools.

    Since this is the homeschooling section, I'd suggest homeschooling. You can wear what you want and can go your own pace, which seem to be important to you.

  9. What I've learned over the years is that School should be for learning.

    In a Private school setting the focus IS on learning.  Not on what one wears.  If all students are dressed the same, there is no Mocking of someone that is different.  I believe that to be the reason for the uniform.  There is no in-appropriate dress.  or one child that can't afford the fashions being treated poorly.

    Public Schools can still offer a good education but there is a lot more stress for a child I think.

    they are always trying to FIT IN.  Are placed in a catagorie by peers,  Also You have the "Popular" and Not popular children. Based on looks, haves and have nots.

    So it's a matter of choice.

    Private schools often teach religion as well.

    so If religion is something you want with your childs education the private schools offer that as well.

    Good luck with whatever you choose

  10. Neither.  Homeschool.

  11. Well since you are in the homeschooling area. . .

    My daughter does her homework in her pajamas and I don't care. . . and she learns on her level!!

  12. I am so happy that these are not our only choices.  Homeschool is the best for our family.

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