
Public school tips?

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Hey i've been homeschooled all my life and now im going into 8th grade public school. any tips for it?




  1. I have been in public school since kindergarten. It isn't that bad if you stay away from drama and rumors. The worst thing you can do is get caught in the middle of that. Also do your work and be more focused on school work and your grades than people who can cause you to become distracted. I hope you like public schools and eventually you will enjoy highschool.

    Good Luck!!

  2. hey

    8th grade is the hardest grade for a girl i know from my sisyyy

    she jus finished grade 8

    let me gv u an advice go in its either u gna be invisible

    or a loser or cool

    dress up look hot and date a hotieee guy

    and ul do good in school


    now please if u can help me in my high school leel question

  3. Be social and just enjoy it. Homeschooling usually makes you really smart, so you probably won't have to worry about that. Once you make friends everything will be fine. It may be hard the first day, but try your best and from the very first moment you sit next to someone on the bus to the bus ride at the end of the day, talk with people. You could even ask them this same question to starts some conversation.

  4. sounds like you'll fit in just nicely

  5. Be normal and find people to hang with, people like you...

  6. stay away from the drama!!!   oh and dress cute. haha. the guys LOVE it!!! =] good luck.
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