
Public school to private?

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i'm starting a private highschool in a few weeks, and i need some general avice about what its like




and any other stuff




  1. private schools usually wear uniforms

    and seeing that it is a private school, the education probably is going to be good too

    other than that i'm not so sure how life in public school will be like

    but i am guessing they have more restrictions or they give you less freedom or something  

  2. My school we wear uniform. The teachers seem more caring and more into your business. Like they will call your parents (some of them) if they are concerned about you. Of course there are little groups, but its just like any other school. Some of the kids are down to earth others are stuck up. Homework is expected to be done on time, depending on your school and teacher you might have it everyday, or have an assignment to be done by the end of the week. Um lunch is alot more expensive but its better. Yeahh any other questions just message me. It it at all religious?

  3. Okay, I switched to private school from public and t is much different.  For one there is a lot more hmwk and the teacher don't take any crud from kids.  Also, the classes are way harder, you have to do a lot more work.  As for clothes, they seem to wear much more conservative stuff like polos, however I don't remember well because I haven't gone to a non-uniform high school in years.  As for cliques, it is very cliquie, the reason is because a lot of the kids in private school have gone to private school together since kindergarten so they know eachother really well, however if you don't let them embaress you after the first week or so they will love the idea of a new kid, it's weird.  Also, just be yourself and don't pretend to be something that your not to impress people (trust me.)

    Even though it is much different and harder Private School is great if you just don't cause trouble and do the work.

    Hope you like it


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